last year i was room 21. no windows. just a window into the library, which had a skylight. and one door--to the hallway.
now i'm in room 9. huge window{s}. 2 doors--hallway and outside!
so here is the current state of my classroom.
after changing my calendar wall like 4 times, this is the final product:
the reason why i changed my calendar wall a bunch of times {yes, lots of wasted staples} is because i discovered some teacher blogs {1st grade, to be exact}. umm, spent like all weekend looking through them. here are two of my favorites: the inspired apple and the first grade parade. there are just a million cute ideas. and i downloaded 100+ printable templates, games, activities, posters, etc. seriously.
they really got me pumped for 1st grade!
so this is kinda what the rest of my room looks like. i took these like thursday and have done more work since then, so there are a few more things on the walls, but other than that, the mess on the desks and counter still remains.
reading corner
word wall
so i have a list a mile long of things i need to do before friday {and then another list of things to do during my 4 prep days before school starts. whoops}. we are meeting the fam in mammoth for a nice weekend stay in a nice condo with some nice scenery, tennis, pool time, hiking, and yummy food. it's the last hurah, so i'm pretty pumped.