{f.y.i.: these top 10 [see previous 6 below] are in no particular order, rather as I feel like presenting them. this would be no. 1. i just couldn't wait 5 more days. and tomorrow i will probably put up 4, 3, 2, 1 all at once. who cares about the countdown!}
I know...
I have a loving Heavenly Father.
He loves me. He knows me. He wants to bless me. He does bless me. So much.
I know...
Savior, Jesus Christ lives.
He was crucified for my sins, my sorrows, my pains. He was resurrected and He lives! And because He lives, I too will be resurrected. His Atonement is real.

I know...
families are eternal.
Marriages {husbands and wives--sealed in the Lord's House, His Holy Temple} extending beyond the grave, even into eternity, where we may someday live with Him again.
I know...
was a true prophet.
{click above to view "The Restoration"}
A boy of 14 going into a grove of trees to pray. He saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Through Him the Book of Mormon was translated. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored. The Priesthood was restored. And because of it, marriages are sealed forever; blessings of healing, comfort, strength are given; baptisms are performed; and other sacred ordinances.

I know...
there are living Prophets on earth today,
President Thomas S. Monson is the Lord's Prophet today. He receives direct revelation from the Lord. He speaks with and for the Lord. His words are the Lord's words. By following him, I know that I will return to live with my Father again.
I know...
the Book of Mormon is true.
It is the "most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." {here}. I have read it more than once and know it is true.
I know...
revelation exists today as in Biblical times.
Revelation that comes through the Prophets and Apostles. Revelation that comes to my inspired Church leaders, called by God. Revelation that comes to my parents--particularly my dad as he presides over our family with the Priesthood. Revelation that comes to me, personally through the Holy Ghost as I strive to live my life in line with Gospel principles and commandments and modern revelation through the Prophets and Apostles.
I know...
God hears and answers prayers.
I am able to speak directly to Him. And He will answer me.
I believe...because I know.
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