30 January 2011

the sunday post {i don't even know what ed.}

it's been awhile since i made a really nice post on here.
and awhile since a sunday post.
so sorry.

without further ado, i bring you...the sunday post.

{this will take you more than 2 minutes to read.  maybe like 10. i apologize.}

{item the first}

yes, i know.  me.  sick.  absolutely insanity. here are some pros and cons to this awful week.

pro: didn't have to go to school. for 2 days.
con: sub plans. craziness after subs (never good).
pro: did a little bit of planning for school (not much, though).
con: missed 3 hours worth of practices for our 2nd grade program.
pro: more time with steven.
con: i was too fatigued to do more than lay in my bed while he read to me or talked to me.
pro:  it was lovely.
pro: i ate oatmeal. and lots of it. {we know how much i love oatmeal.  but remember how i don't buy it anymore because i eat too much?  yeah, so basically the only time i eat it is when i am in CA, if even then.}
con: pretty much all i could stomach was oatmeal and an egg.  which means, i didn't have anything green for about 3 days.  shocking, i know. it was horrible.
pro: i had some nice R&R time {i.e. napping, laying in bed browsing the internet for various things.}
con: between my trip to AZ and being sick right after it, i didn't go to the gym for 2 weeks.  let me say that again.  i.did.not.go.to.the.gym.or.do.any.sort.of.exercise.for.2.weeks. (ok, so saturday i was feeling better and so stir crazy from not getting out of bed for 2.5 days that i went to yoga and just took it easy. bad idea. made me even more light headed and fatigued. plus, i didn't realize how fatigued i really was until i was doing yoga and could barely hold a down dog. now that, for me, is insane!}

ultimate pro: steven taking care of me.  a little T.L.C. to go along with my R&R.

{item the second}
2nd grade program
my sweet 2nd graders put on a program with the other 4 classes.
it was a message of peace.  there were quotes by ghandi, mother theresa, ronald reagan, MLK Jr., and eleanor roosevelt.
it was special.
each class in the school chose a peace prize winner. it was so neat.  the students chose someone in their class, maybe not the smartest, or best reader, or speller, or most popular, or cutest.  just someone that is kind, respectful, and a peacemaker.  we talked about it in our class. half the votes were for me.  i had to remind them (again) that it was someone in the class--a friend.  so we voted again.
the kids sang songs like "there can be miracles," "this little light of mine" (probably my favorite), "lean on me," "aint no mountain high enough," and others.

{item the third}

i just love sundays so much. maybe too much.
i take that back.  not too much.
i don't think it is possible to love sundays too much.

i am so incredibly blessed.
in the words of nacho libre, "my life is gooooood."
i really don't think i could be any happier right now.

and here's just one reason:

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