03 March 2010

what's the practicum?

only at byu do you ever receive emails like this:

Hi teachers,

I know this is a nerve racking day. I also know how well prepared you are to go out there and teach these children. Whenever I am nervous about doing something new I like to think of the scripture in 2nd Timothy 1:7 that says, For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. I have you in my prayers today. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Love, Sister Losser

as an elementary ed student at byu, i am required to do 2 practicums {cohorts 1 and 2}

that means i stop going to classes {except for 3, so i stop going to 4 of my classes} for a whole month! and i am in an elementary classroom observing and teaching.

i was assigned to a second grade class. so exciting. and erin is student teaching in a second grade class many many miles away in california.

today was day 1 of practicum 1.

i met with my mentor teacher, whom i absolutely love and will adore and will probably start worshipping the ground she walks on [kinda already do...is that bad?]

then i went to a different school in a different classroom and substitute taught for another teacher so she could meet her student.

so pretty much my first time in an elementary classroom [minus the dance lesson i taught or the 4 p.e. lessons, those weren't in the classroom. ok, and the 6 years i was a student in elementary school] i was alone. in a classroom. with 25 second graders. and i talked to the teacher for about 5 minutes before.

but it was so fun. and the boy with autism's observer came in [i thought she was there to watch me!] and helped out with him--lucky that happened today.

to avoid anymore boredom, if you even made it this far, i'll end it now.

just know that some good "kids say the darndest things" will be coming up. probably monday through friday.

1 comment:

  1. hahahha thats great that you get emails like that :) i wish GWC did that ha
