31 May 2010


at the airport.

some pictures from erin's graduation.
congrats, grad.

she was so excited to see me.
[of course.]

beautiful mother.

oh some more pictures.
these are from way back in the day.

aunt's wedding.
mother made my dress.
and hers.
erin's bday some time when we were young.
erin hangin' on the giraffe fence.
not much has changed.


30 May 2010

addendum: the sunday morning post, 28th ed.

some more reminiscent photos.
probably more for my viewing pleasure than yours,
but it's still fun.


senior end-of-year choir show.
that would be lyndi and i smack dab in the middle.
rich folks.
and later in the same show.
[please notice huge shoulders and extremely high neck.
and i bought black shoes and painted them with red acrylic paint and then red glittered them. crafty.]
and then i graduated high school.
and dana and sara and their friend nicole were funny things for halloween. well, nicole looks super cute. dana and sara are just hilarious. maybe i'll borrow one of them and wear it to our halloween celebration for all my 2nd graders.
oh, you've seen this before.
couldn't pass it up!
now we're into '07.

once upon a time, dad turned 50. and we had a big surprise party for him. but we didn't for my mom because she didn't want one. not her style. we went to cirque du soleil instead.
then there was easters.
and mom got erin and i fruit and veggie baskets.
[and i wish i still had those shorts. i had them from 7th grade until last year. that's 9 years.]
and that's all for right now. when mother is off of her computer, i'll be going back for more. it's just so fun.

29 May 2010

the sunday morning post, 28th ed.

[actually it's a lazy saturday evening. at home. life's good.]

cute mom.
can we take note of how long my hair is?
it will never be longer than that.
and i'm cutting it when i get back.
it's time.

oh dad.
the weekend's been fabulous. lot's of relaxing.

long run on the beach today. pier to pier {+ some}.
why can't utah have a beach
it's so beautiful, though. so we'll let it slide.

eye appt.:
verdict? left eye worse, right eye same.
grocery store.
used book store {hooray for children's literature. and picture books.}

remainder of day:
my stomach was in p a i n. sometimes my stomach acid decides to pour through my intestines.
in which case i am incapacitated.
so there was no way i was putting a bathing suit on and hittin' up the beach.
so i laid on the couch and my mom brought me probiotics.

and then we made pizzas. a kendrick family favorite. trader joes whole wheat crust pizza dough. bbq chicken. veggie. and pepperoni. [i hate pepperoni's. but em loves them. you go girl.]

and now.
for some reminiscent photos.
found these while browsing mom's new mac. {love.}
i only got through about 2 albums.
from 05 & 06
so, more to come next week.

henry doorly zoo,
omaha, nebraska

a girl in my class told this funny story of this boy who went to the henry doorly zoo with his 2nd grade class. and he went back to class and said, "teacher i have a penguin in my back pack." and she just kinda brushed it aside and told him to do his work. and he told her again. same thing. so he went home and told his mom. same thing. then his mom went in his room a little later. and lo and behold, he was playing with a little penguin.

joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat!
the goat claire and i made for when the brothers attacked a passing goat and dipped his coat in blood and guts and gore.

{i can sing that entire musical to you.}

nauvoo, illinois
[please notice erin's dr. scholls. i think i'm bringin' em back. that is, mine back to provo. and i'm just bringin' em back.]

oh and another of claire and i.
i loved that shirt.
like loved it.
and one day i accidentally washed it with some lip balm. whoops.

st. louis, missouri temple.
please notice baby dana and young teenager emily. and h.s. senior me and college girl erin.

have a wonderful sunday.
i know mine will be extra good.
i'm going to nursery with my pops tomorrow.
love the little kids.

28 May 2010

surprise grad!

{per usual, please ignore the poor quality of this photo. phone.}

8-11. class.
11-11.45. pack; send katie off with 2 oranges and a banana for her drive to the river.
11.45. gurus with missy.
12.45. en route: airport.
1.30. wait at airport.
3.06. depart.
delay for take off.
in flight. interesting conversations with guy next to me.
4.25. land {26 minutes late}
4.40. em picks me up.
4.50. arrive at csulb.
[dana's new nikon. loooove. p.i.t. {professional in training. i love making up acronyms and abbreviating words.}]
5. processional: erin sees me.
erin cries.
erin graduates.
7.30. cheesecake factory.
family, aunts, and g.ma.
late dinner. hate that.
but so hungry.
may or may not have had some cheesecake.
thanks g.ma.
10.30. arrive at erin's new[er] pad.
1/10 mile from the beach.
[see photo above]

6.45. my body: "wake up!"
7.45. run on beach to gym.
8.45. bp {body pump. missed you. not the same alone in my room with the 10 lb-ers.}
9.45. run home.
10.35. breakfast.
11.35. doing this.
12. beach.
and more beach.
later. fam and fun.

love it.
erin was so surprised.

15 days until marathon mania.
wooooo hooo!

26 May 2010

as of late...

katie and i went for a bike ride.
we're getting ready for many to come.
the madness (aka craaazy school) is almost over {2 weeks!}

this is katie.
i bought a watermelon the other day.
umm, if you know me then you know how much i love fruit, how much fruit i eat, and how much i love watermelon and i much watermelon i can eat.

let's just say it's been 2 days and i'll be eating the last of it tomorrow.
and this is what we did the other day.
{katie made the pillow on the right.}

and ready for a relaxing weekend.
erin graduates tomorrow. congrats grad! {i think that's like my favorite phrase}

23 May 2010

the sunday morning post, 27th ed.

3 weeks!!
i am so pumped!
yesterday was my final long run.
well, really long run. 12 miles isn't really a long run anymore.
i ran 22 miles.
i felt great all day. and then i woke up this morning and i practically had to roll myself out of bed. and i could barely touch my toes. just a little stiff.
and i guess that's in part to not running once during the week.

oh, and for your viewing pleasure,
here's a picture of my toes [via phone = poor quality]
nbd. just a little black and blue.
left #2 will most likely fall off sometime between now and the marathon.
don't worry. i keep them painted. except it doesn't really do much.

ok, enough of the marathon. i am sorry. sometimes i just need to tell someone about it, and the blog is a good outlet. and it's only 3 more weeks. so just hang in there. or just don't read it.

my week?
crazy. sleepless. runningless. lots of lesson planning [which were fabulous]. sad: practicum's done. happy: more time to run, sleep, socialize, and do homework all in the same day.

happy sabbath.

check this out.
watch it.
then read it.
and know that i know it's true.
and it has changed my life.
and i read it everyday.
i can't not read it.
i know it's true.

20 May 2010

la mesa

the photo story

once upon a time i moved into this new place.
with katie.
and we've been decorating.
she's been sewing cute pillow cases.
and i mean cute!
and we've decorated our rooms.
and it's been great.
but one thing that we hadn't done is our balcony.

one word:
that really should read "pooping on katie & heidi's balcony so it is completely covered and taking it over"
because that's what happened.
darn pigeons!
at first we thought they had eggs in their little corner nest.
then after a few days, we saw that they didn't. and our landlady said they have been there since they were babies--brother and sister.
no longer fun.
so katie tried to shoot at them with her air soft gun. and hit them each like 3 times. and they didn't even fly away. we just wanted to scare them. not kill them. but we didn't succeed with either!

finally they decided to fly away or something because they had been m.i.a. katie took advantage of that.
bless her heart.
she swept up all that nasty pigeon poop [that was covering the balcony] and cleaned it off .and she bought cute paper lanterns at the dollar store.
just like the ones in my room. and she hung 'em up.
and then i said, "all we need is a cute little circle side table thing so we can sit out here and eat sunday dinner and read and talk.

so today, we went to d.i. it's like the mormon goodwill.
and we were going to get candles. and we decided to walk through the furniture section.
and then we saw it.
and we looked at each other and without saying a word walked straight for it.
so we carried it all through the store with us.
and now we have a cute little table. and the balcony is complete.
ok we don't have chairs yet.
but it's a start.

cute, eh?
oh the treasures you will find at d.i.
actually, other than a service project i did, that was the first time i had been/purchased something from d.i. way to go, d.i.
and then we bought candles and a plate [all for $8!] and katie made this cute little ensemble table decoration.
please ignore the men's legs.
also, notice the cute pillow case to be. yeah, katie's amazing.
that'll be #4 then i'll put some pictures up--they are all so cute!
the end.

17 May 2010

weekend round-up

**See note at bottom.

friday: pretty much i am so crazy during the week that i really don't want to do anything on the weekend. lame? yeah, kind of. but it's true. so friday i got back from running, put in a movie and ate and iced. and then i did my dishes. and then katie came home from work. and i decided i should probably shower. and then our friend came over and we just "gelled". {i laugh as i write that because it's a mom term.}

-nice long run in the hot, hot sun.
-brunch / iced / did some reading for my classes.
-2 hours laying out by the pool with katie and friends.
-fabulous bike ride to the grocery store with katie. [and i just looooove riding my bike. i was in heaven.]

interruption: this couple just walked out of the bookstore holding hands. and they have matching backpacks. cute.

-dinner and a movie with a bunch of friends
*got absolutely nothing done{minus the few pages i skim read for my classes--that shouldn't even count though}

sundays: always, always spectacular just because it's sunday and my favorite day of the week.
except, i pretty much did not sleep last night. i think i got like 3 hours total. kind of like a christmas eve repeat (that was bad.) [i know exactly why: i had a big dinner and then 1 too many oreo truffles (i know, i hate oreos but these don't take taste like oreos. and i don't like to eat dessert unless it's like a holiday/certain bdays. but they are to die for. and so simple. and oh, so bad.)]

enough of that. one more crazy, crazy week and then 3 crazy weeks.

i can do anything for 3 weeks...i can do it...i can do it...i can do it...
and i will.

**if you would like to join our {mine and katie's} Cruiser Club, then please let me know.
and you don't have to have a cruiser to join. well, you do need a bike.
**we will be riding all over town. leisure sunday evening bike rides will begin this coming sunday.
**and saturdays we will ride to the farmer's market.

11 May 2010

a few notes

hello provo {friends & citizens},

farmers market starts this saturday, 15 may. 9am - 2pm at pioneer park (500 west 100 south).
i'll be there with a flower in my hair. well, maybe. but i will be there filling my bike basket with all sorts of greens, as there won't be much fruit until next month. but if there is, you better believe my basket will be full of that too.

hello provo {weather},

what's going on? you're beautiful a few days, you're gloomy and rainy and cold or snowy a few days. are you having a difficult time transitioning to spring? the tulips and daffodils weren't enough to woo you? or you just don't want the snow-capped mountains gone so you keep bringing it back every few days, is that it? just so you know, i'm not ok with this whole weather pattern. especially the 36 degrees and rain today--not cool {literally, yes it was cool. rather cold actually}. weatherman predicts 70s this weekend. will you promise?

hello scholastic warehouse,

i love you. 50% off all of your books? yes. and $25 off $100 spent? yes. hello classroom library. super cute books. and so many books to use for my lessons. love, love, love.

10 May 2010

the little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear

a kendrick family favorite!
i have the greatest memories of this book!
and this is a new favorite
cause & effect lesson, hello.
another family favorite--Mom loves this one, too.
um, so good.
and hello simile lesson.
another cutie.
my literacy teacher read this to us today.
so i bought it too.
there's just so much you can do with it!
and my mentor teacher read this to her class.
so i bought it, too.
hello classic.
and hello folk tale unit.
and alissa and nikki bought this so i thought i should too.
and it's super cute.
and a good moral.
good 'ol ancient Chinese.
classic. and caldecott winner. hello.
and hello, my 2nd graders and i will all be wild things for a day.
ok, that's a huge lie because that would be a wild disaster.
but fun.
{in case you are unaware of the whole newberry and caldecott winner business: caldecott's are for illustrators. newberry's are for authors. we love 'em both.}


in case you didn't notice, i love audrey and don wood. hence the reason why i bought 5 of their books today. but i still need: "The Napping House" and "King Bidgood's in the Bathtub" and any others whose existence i am unaware of.

also. Dad's favorites are the "George and Martha" books. and i love 'em too. they're pretty funny.

if you would like to donate, please, just let me know. or any other suggestions of your favorite children's books.

and i need some chapter books i can read to my class next year. next year as in 3 months. yeah, Miss Kendrick in 3 months!