21 December 2010

christmas is cancelled!

okay, maybe just school is cancelled.

that's right.  it snowed a ton friday night.  saturday and sunday it rained all day and washed all of the snow away.  late sunday night it started snowing again...

and it hasn't stopped.  monday night was pretty good since it was more of a slush snow.  like the angels are pouring 7-11 slurpees (sans flavoring) down from on high. 

yes, this is a photo taken at 7.20am at the bottom of my stairs.  underneath that 6-8 inches of snow is a cement path.  who knew!

so i get in my car and slowly back out so i don't hit tedi's beautiful bmw x5 (which i covet--dad...)

this is taken through my windshield while it was snowing.  poor cars.  thank you katie for leaving your covered parking open for me.

 i slowly drove to school.  the heavy duty "this is serious snow" plows were out.  2 in a row plowing the streets.

i rolled into school.  actually i slide into the parking lot.  kind of.  it hadn't been plowed and there  was about 8-10 inches of snow.

3 cars.  normal.  i was early and there wasn't really a need to be early on a day like today (last day before break).

i opened my door and the custodian who was outside plowing the sidewalks yelled, "hey kendrick.  go home.  no school today.  merry christmas!"

to which i replied, "really?  thanks! merry christmas to you, too!"

so i left and got about 5 minutes down the road (which meant on a normal day i was probably 1 minute away) and decided that since i didn't need to leave for the airport until 3, i would just get some stuff done at school.  i'm not coming back until the 1st of january, so that leaves me no time to get anything ready for monday, january 3rd.

so i stayed for about an hour and a half chatting with the principal and a few other teachers and i got some stuff set up for monday and christmas things put away.  (i just remembered i left my tinsel up everywhere.  oh well.  it's fun.)

i left and had a difficult time getting into my/katie's covered spot because the parking lot had been semi-plowed.  but, after 4 minutes, i got in! and i didn't hit tedi's car, nor was i even close to!

and this is how deep the snow is.  yes, that is half-way up my calf.

and then i got the mail and took out the trash.  and i put the towels and rugs in the wash.  and now i am going to take a nap for the next hour and a half.  i'm leaving for the airport at 1.  my flight is scheduled for 6.10 and so far is only delayed until 6.24.  i'd rather be sitting at the airport for 3 hours then stuck in the snow and miss my flight.  on the bright side, one of the teachers told me the snow is "pounding utah county" but is not near as bad in salt lake county, which is interesting because usually it's the opposite.  then another teacher said, "i've been married to pilots and navigators (more than one? or was it the same man?) and snow doesn't stop them.  it's the ice, so you should be fine."  HALLELUJAH.  just pray that i'm not at the airport for 5+ hours.  i can only take so much lesson planning.

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