13 August 2010

hello, mr. reagan

yesterday the fam + g.ma took a trip up to the reagan library.
oooo yeah.
it's pretty cool! i highly recommend it.

we started out the morning at the sugar shack on main street. yum!

us girls were a little bit pumped up. here are a few pictures from mom's camera.
erin's camera has the really good ones.
also, we got a picture of us on air force one. that was so cool! the real air force one (of course obama has a new one--747, this was a 707) is in the library!!

after our library trip we drove down highway 1: Pacific Coast Highway. i absolutely loooove driving on pch. but i never go as far north as we had. we were up by malibu---the beach is so beautiful there! none of this huntington beach brown stuff. and less crowds.

then we hit up santa monica pier / 3rd street promenade and went to california pizza kitchen. yummy thai chicken pizza! except, i won't be going back there for awhile. i ate a lot of food yesterday, but i've done that before. something upset my stomach last night and let's just say that i won't be eating ANY pizza, chocolate covered almonds, trail mix, or CPK for awhile. or white bean chili (which was good) or cornbread which gave me a horrible stomach ache on tuesday---but nothing like last night. that did not end pretty.

i digress.
here are the pictures from mom's camera.

reagan loved jelly belly's.
so does mi madre.
that picture of reagan is made out of jelly belly's!!! crazy!! a jelly belly mosaic!
our album cover.
a piece of the berlin wall.
cool, huh?
mr. reagan!
i mean, president reagan!

also, there are some new features on the bottom. leave a thought or two. or like it, or love it, or want some more of it.

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