05 October 2010

saturday conference, blankets, horses, notes, trees, picture day

the sunday post--on tuesday.
in photos.

saturday conference
conference saturday am in salt lake.

that's the salt lake temple.

that's us at the conference center.

"i gotta golden ticket!"
[well it's not gold, but it's worth gold.]

sunday erin sent me this via cell phone.
when we were at the river,
my dad picked up a blanket to cozy up with and said,
"there's something about a blanket."
and that was all.

this is dad's typical conference watching state: cocooned in a blanket.
but for some reason, he never turns into a butterfly.
probably a good thing since erin is afraid/hates them and it has kind of rubbed off on me.

cell phone picture:
sunday between conference sessions, we went for a drive. started up provo canyon then hung a right at vivian park and drove up this road to see all the pretty trees.

when we were almost to the top, we had a slight hang up.
yeah, like 8 of them in the road.  this little 2 way road.
then we saw this old man pulled over by a gate.
his horses got out.
we asked if he needed help and he sounded quite relieve when he answered yes.

so 3 of us beachy californians and 2 non-farming utahans got out of the car
next thing i knew, i was running after the horses, grabbed one by the mane and pulled myself up while it was still running.
it was magical.
that's a lie.
the truth:
so 3 of us beachy californians and 2 non-farming utahans got out of the car and pretended like we knew what we were doing.  so we made a line in the field. and the man's pregnant granddaughter took a sheet and ripped it (luckily she had been driving back and had a sheet in her car to just pull over and help).  she made halters to tie around 2 of the horses necks.

she led them back leaving the 3 marie-gos (yes. heidi marie, katie marie, and kelly marie + 3 amigos = 3 marie-gos) + ian to fend for ourselves.
and i thought i was going to get bit by a hidden snake.
not so.
the horses finally warmed up to us.
notice how i am still pretty far?
ok, well next thing i knew the horse was right in my face.

still a magical experience, even though my fantasy didn't come true.
okay, really my real fantasy would have been for a handsome young man to come riding by on a horse and sweep me up before i even knew what was happening.
and we would have galloped away into the sunset.

but that didn't happen either.
back to the rest of sunday.

i made a bunch of little notes for all the special people in my life right now.
thank you, thank you.
remember how i love rubber stamps?
and love writing / mailing notes to people?
{i just love writing--hence the wordiness in my blogs, and if you ever get emails from me.}

 found this.
want this.
how cute would it be to have two or six of these in different sizes in my classroom?!
love it.
or i would take one for my room.

i finally ordered new headphones
[with my amazon.com credit card rewards.]
so now i can hear out of BOTH my earphones again.
also, both the super cheap cute shoes i ordered are either a) too big or b) too small.

 picture day
apparently picture day makes kids a little crazy.
i got my last students through the line a few minutes after the recess bell rang.  it was my day to be out on recess duty.  i came out a few minutes late and while there was someone else on duty, it just seemed to be extra crazy.  there were a few kids rolling down the sloped grass and other kids going crazy with a bouncy ball and another couple girls going crazy with a jump rope.
quite comical.

i love it.

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