21 August 2011


Please see here for our new Hopper Family blog.

It is still under construction.  It'll be awhile before it's all ready to go, but I'll still be posting on it.

14 August 2011

wedding pictures {V}

, this is our cake:

and this was the dessert table.
love cheesecake.

sweet tooth now?
yeah...it's sunday.

09 August 2011

craziness in room 9.

last year i was room 21.  no windows. just a window into the library, which had a skylight. and one door--to the hallway.
now i'm in room 9.  huge window{s}. 2 doors--hallway and outside!

so here is the current state of my classroom.
after changing my calendar wall like 4 times, this is the final product:
the reason why i changed my calendar wall a bunch of times {yes, lots of wasted staples} is because i discovered some teacher blogs {1st grade, to be exact}. umm, spent like all weekend looking through them.  here are two of my favorites: the inspired apple and the first grade parade.
there are just a million cute ideas. and i downloaded 100+ printable templates, games, activities, posters, etc. seriously.
they really got me pumped for 1st grade!

so this is kinda what the rest of my room looks like.  i took these like thursday and have done more work since then, so there are a few more things on the walls, but other than that, the mess on the desks and counter still remains.

reading corner 

word wall

so i have a list a mile long of things i need to do before friday {and then another list of things to do during my 4 prep days before school starts. whoops}. we are meeting the fam in mammoth for a nice weekend stay in a nice condo with some nice scenery, tennis, pool time, hiking, and yummy food. it's the last hurah, so i'm pretty pumped.

01 August 2011

wedding pictures {IV}

temple photos
{round 3}
ps- blogger lessens the quality of photos.

{this was really awkard for me.}

happy 1st of august!