30 January 2011

the sunday post {i don't even know what ed.}

it's been awhile since i made a really nice post on here.
and awhile since a sunday post.
so sorry.

without further ado, i bring you...the sunday post.

{this will take you more than 2 minutes to read.  maybe like 10. i apologize.}

{item the first}

yes, i know.  me.  sick.  absolutely insanity. here are some pros and cons to this awful week.

pro: didn't have to go to school. for 2 days.
con: sub plans. craziness after subs (never good).
pro: did a little bit of planning for school (not much, though).
con: missed 3 hours worth of practices for our 2nd grade program.
pro: more time with steven.
con: i was too fatigued to do more than lay in my bed while he read to me or talked to me.
pro:  it was lovely.
pro: i ate oatmeal. and lots of it. {we know how much i love oatmeal.  but remember how i don't buy it anymore because i eat too much?  yeah, so basically the only time i eat it is when i am in CA, if even then.}
con: pretty much all i could stomach was oatmeal and an egg.  which means, i didn't have anything green for about 3 days.  shocking, i know. it was horrible.
pro: i had some nice R&R time {i.e. napping, laying in bed browsing the internet for various things.}
con: between my trip to AZ and being sick right after it, i didn't go to the gym for 2 weeks.  let me say that again.  i.did.not.go.to.the.gym.or.do.any.sort.of.exercise.for.2.weeks. (ok, so saturday i was feeling better and so stir crazy from not getting out of bed for 2.5 days that i went to yoga and just took it easy. bad idea. made me even more light headed and fatigued. plus, i didn't realize how fatigued i really was until i was doing yoga and could barely hold a down dog. now that, for me, is insane!}

ultimate pro: steven taking care of me.  a little T.L.C. to go along with my R&R.

{item the second}
2nd grade program
my sweet 2nd graders put on a program with the other 4 classes.
it was a message of peace.  there were quotes by ghandi, mother theresa, ronald reagan, MLK Jr., and eleanor roosevelt.
it was special.
each class in the school chose a peace prize winner. it was so neat.  the students chose someone in their class, maybe not the smartest, or best reader, or speller, or most popular, or cutest.  just someone that is kind, respectful, and a peacemaker.  we talked about it in our class. half the votes were for me.  i had to remind them (again) that it was someone in the class--a friend.  so we voted again.
the kids sang songs like "there can be miracles," "this little light of mine" (probably my favorite), "lean on me," "aint no mountain high enough," and others.

{item the third}

i just love sundays so much. maybe too much.
i take that back.  not too much.
i don't think it is possible to love sundays too much.

i am so incredibly blessed.
in the words of nacho libre, "my life is gooooood."
i really don't think i could be any happier right now.

and here's just one reason:

21 January 2011

no snow

i haven't been outside for a day and a half.  haven't even looked out the window.  i probably spent an hour total out of my room yesterday.

but, good news!  

the sun has been shining here in provo.  i opened my blinds this morning to let that sunshine in.  AND there was no snow on the ground! what a happy sight.  if that doesn't make me better, then i don't know what will.  

{maybe the oatmeal and chicken noodle soup steven is buying me right now. he takes good care of me.}

19 January 2011

this is what i make

alissa pitt sent me this today.  normally i don't take the time to read these, but since i am lying on my death bed writing sub plans for tomorrow, i figured i would.

i am no cream of the crop or tip of the iceberg, but i work really hard at trying to be this teacher. {and yes, i can make kids focus for 40 minutes  of classtime. just with some yoga or singing breaks.}

What a Teacher Makes

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. 

One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"

To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"

Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...)

"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor winner.

I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.

You want to know what I make? (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table)

I make kids wonder.

I make them question.

I make them apologize and mean it.

I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

I teach them to write and then I make them write.. Keyboarding isn't everything.

I make them read, read, read.

I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator.

I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in the USA.

Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life. (Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.)

Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant. You want to know what I make? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE. What do you make Mr. CEO?

His jaw dropped, he went silent.

and a picture of a little cowboy for your viewing pleasure.
it's blurry.
i took it on my phone of a moving target while walking. triple whammy.
but how cute?

18 January 2011

that arizona sun

this weekend steven took me to Arizona to meet his family.

to say i had a good time would be an understatement.

my second graders would know to use words like excellent, spectacular, and magnificent to describe it, but i still feel like those aren't quite good enough!

so here's how it went.

i woke up at 3.40 am so i could shower and be ready to leave at 4.15 am.  yeah.  thanks, steven.

i don't think i've ever been more tired in my life.
but it was totally worth it.
so worth it, in fact, that i would do it again!

steven's parents picked us up from the airport and took us to Paradise Bakery for breakfast.  yum!

after stopping home, we hiked up the mountain so we could see all of phoenix.

we picked up his sisters from school then made paninis.  steven and i taught the fam how to play rummikub.  dangerous.  i think it is safe to say this kendrick family favorite is now a hopper family favorite, too.

we played at the park.  the girls were swinging.  the boys were playing basketball.

then lauren and i went to a suns game.
oooooh yeah. steven was just a wee bit jealous.  he's kind of (a lot) obsessed with the suns.
thanks lauren!

michael, steven, and i went to ihop for breakfast. yum!  michael is probably the funniest boy, i'm sorry, man i know.

lauren, steven and i went shopppppppping! lauren and i are in love with the same things.  i think steven may have been regretting his decision to go shopping with us. i'm sorry, steven. 

andrea, steven, and i went to gap and got andi some super cute flats.  2 pair!  then we got free jamba juice from lauren.  

{yes, that means all we did for saturday, so far, was eat and shop.  so what?}

later that evening we picked up some dinner and ate it at grandma hopper's casa.  steven and i went on a little double date with his parents.  we went back go grandma hopper's to pick up andi and michael.  but before we left we chatted and looked at some pictures.  and then michael decided to take a picture of all of us.  it was the most entertaining and hilarious 5 minutes of my life.  thank you michael.  you sacrificed your head for that.

don't we look so happy to be together in this picture? 


always my favorite day of the week.

we had a fabulous french toast breakfast. {french toast + nutella = love}

we went to church.  the speakers were incredible.
i got to go to young women's {that's the 12-18 year old girls} with lauren and her mom.  first time back in 6 years.  now that's old.

after church we made a delicious dinner.  his family and some friends came over.  we ate, played rummikub, and chatted.

steven and i went for a nice little drive around phoenix.
then we had a nice conversation with his parents.
life is looking great.


i was not looking forward to this day.  the weekend was too good.
first, steven and i made a quick trip to the mall for something.
then we took some pictures.
and theeeen {teacher voice}, we said our goodbyes and went to the airport.
aaaaand we got paradise bakery while we waited.
and then we took some pictures on the plane.

and steven knew one of the guys on the plane, so naturally he did what any plane steward you know would do.  he gave us a huge bag of peanuts.  and he said goodbye to us over the intercom when we were leaving. who needs business class?

to sum it up: the weekend was greater than i thought it could be.  i loved every minute it of it.  from scandalous plays to crazy rock band shows to grandmas sitting on heads to early early plane flights. 
 hopper family: i love you.

10 January 2011

monday photo shoot.

steven's dad told me i need to take lots of pictures.

so here's a little monday photo shoot steven and i had.
{thank you katie for the lovely photography.}


uh, excuse me what are you doing?

thank you, that's better.

and i don't know what's going on here.

and we're going to arizona on 4 days!

now, if that doesn't brighten your day, maybe this will.
one of my students asked to go to the bathroom at the beginning of 2nd grade singing time.
he came back after like 10 minutes and i asked what took him so long.

"i heahsoij gndske paeoip."


"i had to poop."

"oh, okay."

i bite my tongue. that was HILARIOUS.


No, not me!


we've been waiting for awhile, and it finally happened!

sooooooo excited!!!!!!


09 January 2011

2010 in review

please click links for more pictures and details.
{probably, if i were you, just scroll through the pictures. just for fun.}


i went to the mountains with some new friends for the mlk jr. holiday.
above and below: here

lyndi and i made some awesome cakes. well, lyndi did.

lyndi and i took our buddies to the best buddies ball.
i donned the red lipstick {which was lost at halloween. sad.}

one night it snowed. A TON. we made a 7 foot snowman and then went sledding at midnight. 

i also decided i was crazy and would train and run for a marathon.
{what was i thinking? i don't know. but i loooooved it.}

we made a trip home for disneyland and V day.  it was so fun.

i started my marathon training. in the dead of winter.  one time i ran 11 miles in a blizzard.

i started my practicum in 2nd grade. i realized that i was made to teach. {not that i'm anything fabulous, but i realized loooooove it.}

mom, dad, and g.ma came up for a visit.
what a FUN & CRAZY weekend.


i found out i was going to be miss kendrick.

erin came for general conference & easter
i finished winter semester
spring came
marissa & ty got married
i moved in with katie
marathon training bumped up to 18, then 20.

marathon training was getting bloody.  okay, not really bloody.
and really taking it's toll on my toes!

i was taking too many classes.
and buying books & things for my classroom.

i was eating lots of watermelon.
and going on lots and lots of bike rides with katie.

katie and i were decorating our apartment.

i made a last minute trip home to surprise my best friend for her graduation!


shin splints attacked a mere 10 days before my marathon!!

training was winding down. over 700 miles run total!
pre-race nerves were setting in.
i ran a MARATHON!!! {play by play here, in case you missed it in june.}

i had post-marathon blues.  kind of like postpartum. and i wanted to run another race.


i had a fun 4th of july weekend.

i hiked the subway in zion's.  SO fun!

i was really stressed and feeling the pressure of teaching 2nd grade.

we went to the river.

golden spoon opened.

and i go there a lot. like once a week. sometimes twice. one time katie and i went three times {we went on tuesday and they told us the grand opening was friday and saturday and you get free yogurt! so we went friday and saturday for a total of 3 times that week! hasn't happened since, nor will it.}

my classroom was coming together, thanks to help from katie and some friends.
i was still stressed out of my mind.
{click here and here for pictures of my classroom pre-school starting.}

James Danger came into my life.

i went home for the last HURRAH before school started.


school started!
{check out all the funny things here under "miss kendrick" label at right}
erin and mike came for a visit.
mike took us to tucanos.  then we went to sundance and the first byu home game!

we went for a labor day hike.

i was trying to keep my head above water with all of my lesson planning, trying to go to the gym, etc.


em, dana, and claire came for conference
{here and here}

i had a much welcomed fall break. {1, 2}
and brought back the side bangs.

fall was here, halloween was near, bucky was sick. {here}

all dogs go to heaven, and that's where bucky went.

halloween in 2nd grade is the best.
and halloween as a mime or fairy is also fun.
snow was trying to sneak in early.


more funny happenings in miss kendrick's class.

fall was beautiful. i love it.

apparently steven didn't think i was crazy and we started dating.

i had the best bday ever.

we went to the brandon flowers concert.

and my friends had a surprise party for me.

thanksgiving break was glorious.
i had my first ever black friday experience at gap. will be going every year.


my kids gave me a sweet christmas gift. i teared up.

it snowed a lot.
{here and here}

steven and i went to the lights at temple square and he introduced me to paradise bakery.

the world celebrated Christ's birth.

i went home!  we celebrated christmas with family and had lots of family time.

steven came to california.
and met the whole fam {well most of my mom's side}.

and now it's a new year!!