29 October 2009

dear dad,

hello dad.
just wanted to thank you for choosing well.
i hope i can live up to all she is, even 10% would be good.
love you both so much.
{my faithful reader}

love, heidi

25 October 2009

the sunday morning post, 3rd ed.

who: seacliff ward / a few newlywed alumni / a few provo-ers {aka me}
what: annual seacliff ward canoe trip
when: october 22 - 24
where: dam river {started at the hoover dam, which ps...who knew that was one of the seven man-made wonders of the world? weekend complete!}
why: because we are so cool.

[note: some of these photos have been stolen from facebook, sorry for the poor quality. and i'm too lazy to iphoto them up.]

[ps perhaps when em sends me her photos i will post a few of them up. she actually has pictures with people. i didn't get my camera out much other than while canoeing--nature is so beautiful. i've been so obsessed with it the past while.]

remember this from the mud run?
{alright so maybe i just wanted
you to check out that post again.
or...i guess i didn't put that picture up,
but we all piled in a port-a-potty
after the mud run too.}
and this?
had to do it again.
so glad to see them.
{one month until thanksgiving! = sister mania!}
good morning!
horned sheep. or something like that.
so accidentally all of my scenic {aka 95%}
pictures are not straight--crooked horizons.
i was canoeing, alright.
gang's all here!
we linked together, had a prayer
and sang "I Am a Child of God"
it was pretty special.
{kendrick sisters in the front}

weekend was pretty fabulous.
{so sad i didn't go last year}
but so glad i went this year.

17 October 2009

the sunday morning post, 2nd ed.

confession : i accidentally started listening to christmas music last week.
comming soon...my favorite christmas cd in the world will be revealed in the coming weeks. pretty soon actually.

a month of christmas songs is just not enough. i actually feel bad for it. all these beautiful, fun songs that we only listen to for one month of the year and we listen to everything else the other 11? my rule is once it hits october, it's ok to listen to christmas music. oh man i just gotta stop. i can't reveal my favorite yet.

SO! i have just been in the holiday spirit. i'm getting pretty pumped. and before christmas is thanksgiving...and i got excited to go home and spend some time with the fam. and i looked at pictures from last thanksgiving. so i share a few with you.

you've seen this multiple times.
but i love it.

getting crazy, i mean dirty, with erin at disneyland.

holiday baking.
homemade pies, orange rolls, and other goodies.

i decided to carve the turkey last year.
well, that didn't really last more than 3 pieces.

12 October 2009


it's time for a 5 minute brain break.

so i bring you some

heidiosyncrasies: (plural noun)
a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to heidi {me}

1. i am kind of ocd when it comes to the colors on paper moon.
a. i NEVER use black font.
b. the color of each caption for my pictures or the writing
for each post is pulled from the picture itself
{i.e. this is a shade of brown, notice the brown in the picture.}.
2. i make my bed in the same way everyday. the pillows
have to be at a certain direction. and i prefer to make
my bed myself. thanks for doing it for me but i'm just
going to remake it.
3. i only feel clean if i shave my arm pits--everyday.
4. i kinda have a nervous breakdown if i don't eat enough
vegetables in one day. same with fruit. and drinking water.
5. i feel more productive when i lay on my stomach to do homework.
i wish i could do that in the library.
6. i only like popcorn plain. i pop it in a brown lunch sack in
the microwave. that's it. popcorn kernels and the bag.
no butter. maybe some salt (but it doesn't really stick).
7. i feel like running less than 4 miles is a waste of time.
that's my personal opinion. if i'm taking the time to
get ready and then am going to shower afterward, it's
go big or go home (strike): stay home. then again, if
all i have time for is 4 miles then fine. i'll do it.
8. i prefer to eat apples (or nectarines or peaches) with
a cutting board and knife. cut a slice, eat it. cut, eat.
{unless, of course, i'm at school. in which case i just
bite right into that apple!}

ok that was 10 minutes. oops.

11 October 2009

the sunday morning post

what's a sunday without a post
from the paper, paper moon?
from yours truly.

today will be a review of my life.
starting from day 1...november 17, 1987.

ok maybe not. i'm sure i'm the only one
who would appreciate that.

it will just be a lot of random pictures, once again.
because i love pictures.

bucky looks so cute here.
sometimes us girls go out to breakfast
then come back and take pictures
on photobooth for an hour.
what: sister bike ride.
where: rite aid.
why: thrifty ice cream.
my dad as a little tyke.
{i've GOT to find a way to get pictures
of my mom as a little girl}
sara and dana.
3rd st. promenade.
sunday beach walk.
{miss those, bucky}
christmas break.
sunday best.
girl mania.
oh just driving home for christmas.
2 day trip?
snow in vegas?
disneyland trip.
{emily, please arrange for another.
it's been a whole year.}
halloween 08.
spring. autumn. winter. summer.
and the boy on crutches in the background.
{and mom has bang split
like i sometimes get.
i hate it.}
ladies liberty.

claire won the lottery!
really--front row tickets to wicked.
on broadway.
erin's 2nd visit.
fireworks at disneyland.
most famous pup.
steph was being a bad girl.

sometimes i think no one reads paper moon.
but then i know a few who do.
the rest [if any] are secret stalkers.

just know that i am lying in my warm, flannel sheeted bed.
listening to the mo tab.
on a beautiful sunday morning.
my favorite day of the week.

and this is so long.

08 October 2009


c.w.w.m.s.a.f.: conference weekend with my sisters and friends.

saturday went as follows (picture story):

1. conference {am at Steve's, pm slc}

2. costa vida - gateway
3. boys to priesthood. girls shop

4. 1.5 - 2 hours in anthropologie.

sara would win.
{don't worry about it}

5. tumbling gym.

erin did this pose one crazy night over summer.
i was thrilled to see her improved version on a trampoline.
you go girl.

tumbling sisters {not} in action.
no pictures of the sling-shot swing we made. bungees.
i thought i was going to shoot into the wall.
it was amazing.

and i injured my foot because i jumped off the trampoline
thinking i was still on it. ouch. painful. and i have been unable
to run this whole week. and i am starting to get depressed.
and i see people running and i get so sad. {and i, and i, and i}.

up next: heidi's conference report.
until then...check out alissa's hilarious video.

07 October 2009

ps. confession

Ok, i don't think i have ever done 2 posts in a day. but today, you know...

i have a confession to make.


more like...they make me nervous. i am afraid i will go down them too fast and fall and crack my head open. having a backpack on with books and a laptop would only make matters (aka falling) worse. and i am afraid i will miss a step.

and going upstairs is not necessarily one of my fortes either, for the same reasons.

on one occasion last year i almost fell down the stairs at school: laptop in hand, huge bag, something else on top of my laptop. just scary.

{pathetic, i know}

{bleachers really freak me out...like walking up/down the actually benches}

tonight's goal: 6 hours of sleep. no more of this 5 hour stuff. just not working. i'm working. really hard. but the sleep isn't. and it is seriously impairing my brain.