29 June 2010

what's going on?

we are not quite sure. we as in me and my head, which should be just me. so, i am not quite sure.
however, i am sure that you faithful readers are less than impressed with my sporadically lame posts in the recent months; especially the absence of the sunday morning post 2 days ago. whoops. to that i apologize.

here's what i've been doing:
trying to decorate my classroom.
this is a huge undertaking.
it's a big classroom.
and at the same time, it's not big enough!

lots of chalk coloring to do.
{many thanks to nikki for the discs and idea. duh!}

i also have to drive to salt lake twice a week. that cuts out nearly 5 hours of my day. and i've been spending way too much on gas. springville to walmart {as a teacher--love it. as heidi--hate it. i much prefer target. like times 1000.} to salt lake to school to apartment to sunflower. too much!

talk, talk, talk.
i've been in this new apartment with katie for 2 months and i've just made friends with our other roommate. love her. sometimes we end up in the kitchen talking for an hour or more. it's worth it though.

i don't think i've made it in bed before 1am for like 2 weeks.
and i've been watching a lot of movies.

schoooooool. last 2 classes!
for the program that is.
we all know i've got stats in slc.
and i'll have to take a health class in the winter.

running 5 days a week.
i wish it were 6.
but, as in the case of today, sometimes there's more to do than there's time in the day. and something's gotta give. and it can't be an hour of sleep to run because, well, i already gave up an hour of sleep because i stayed up too late last night. oh, the mess i'm in. not really. ha.
{so you're probably wondering, why is she wasting her time on this right now? well, i'm eating a big bowl of oatmeal with yogurt and fresh strawberries and peaches and blueberries.}

and i went to the hot pots/springs on friday. i think that's on the bucket list. now crossed off!
this concludes the list of some of the things i've been doing.
teachers don't get paid enough.
and our budget is certainly not enough, especially this year.
for myself and my car.
you can just send a chevron gift card in the mail.

and this is the background on my laptop.
i love this picture.
but i noticed i'm the only one without a toothy grin!
oh well, still love it!
photo from becky here

24 June 2010

state of the [me] in letter form

dearest blog readers,

remember when i used to blog todos los dias [that is spanish for 'everyday']? well, i don't anymore. and i will tell you why in a series of notes. kind of. it will be more like an update of why i am having a hard time being productive today. which is exactly why i am blogging rather than reading. or writing. or statistics-ing. boo.


an open-mouth, comic strip heidi

dearest gold's gym of provo/orem, utah:

are you seriously going to make me start paying $25 a month when my 14 travel pass times are up? i get that you won't make me pay the start up fees, but $25? does my mother's 12 or so years of membership and my 5 years mean nothing to you? apparently. please, lower your cost. and plus, your power pump class [that i attended this morning] aint got nuttin' on body pump. and your turbo kick aint got nuttin' on body combat. and your yoga class aint got nuttin' on mercedes at hb golds or my david swensen ashtanga yoga dvd [yes, he's insane and gooood].
alas, i will probably sign with you come september. then i will be making money. but first, i will bat my lashes and twirl my hair and blush just a tad to get that price knocked down to $20 or less.


a disgruntled semi-member

dear social studies teacher,

i adore you. i think you are the greatest teacher. and you are hilarious. and you are interesting. and engaging. and you give us work to do. but i don't mind doing it because you are fabulous. thanks. i look forward to class tomorrow.

yours truly,

miss kendrick.i.t. {in training}

dear watermelon,

you're possibly one of God's greatest fruit creations. i always think it's strawberries. and then i think it's just berries. and then i eat you and i think, you, it's you. which is probably why i ate you for lunch today. but don't worry, i had a barbecue turkey burger and salad later.

your fruity friend,


dear Church,

thanks for asking my to speak on Sunday. i am genuinely looking forward to it. plus it gives me a reason to spend extra amounts of time on reading Gospel things and scriptures. although, i shouldn't need a reason to do anything more than 20-30 minutes. nevertheless, i'm excited. will report when it's all said and done. oh, my friend is speaking too. i'm going to tell the first half of a joke and just stop it in the middle and people are going to think i'm really weird and not funny. but then he'll get up 15 minutes later and tell a joke. and when he says the last line people will all say, "oooooooh. hahahaha. heidi's not crazy. they're both funny!"



dear statistics,

why? why!? i tried 4 times to have you waived. you're the same book as before! oh, the pre-reqs are different? puh-lease. it's the same book! and now i have to drive to salt lake twice a week for you. not fun. you're not going to get more than an hour of my attention a day. hopefully it will be less than that. i just don't have time for you. and i really only need to just pass you, so, yeah. you're on the bottom of the totem pole. sorry. but, my professor is a sweet man.


a not-so ecstatic statistician

dear bed,

welllll what can i say? it's summer. and it's light until 9.30pm. and i want to have fun. and i am. and i am trying to plan out my classroom. and get my homework done. and did i mention have some fun? yeah, i did. so basically, you're pretty low on the totem pole, too.
but. you've been calling me for naps, little ones. 3 days in a row! is that insane or what? i never take naps! the late nights and 5-6 hours of sleep just aren't cutting it. and i've gotta go running in the mornings before class. so thanks for the naps.

i look forward to your inviting comforter tonight.
sleepy heidi

{this will be the last one. because i need to stop procrastinating. mostly just because i have to get ready and leave for slc. boo statistics. great attitude, eh?}

dear miss kendrick,

oh wait, that's me! i just wanted to inform you that you are official. you've signed the contract. you've got the badge. you're enrolled/registered for the internship. you have your classroom/school keys. you've been to alphabet station with a purchase order. you're in your last 2 classes. this is real. and you need to apply for graduation. woo hoo!

welcome to the real world,


22 June 2010

and one more thing about dad.

text conversation with paparupa
tuesday, 22 June 2010, 3.45 pm

dad: where's louis?
me: who's that or what is that from?

[most of dad's texts are movie one-liners. like his favorite from nacho libre, "did you tell them they were the Lord's chips?"]

dad: the movie leap year. they are referring to her louis vuitton luggage
me: oooooh i haven't seen it. is it good?
dad: i like it. i like chick flicks
me: you have no choice but to like them
dad: it's randi with an i

i love him. my funny dad.

20 June 2010

the sunday morning post, 31st ed.

father's day special.

a happy father's day to all father's: past, present, future.

and an especially happy father's day to my dad,
the world's greatest.

you've seen this before, because i love it. it's so cool. and that's my dad.

mom and dad dated in high school. i think they were broken up for one month.
and now they've been married for 32 years. and another 32 + eternity to come.

growing up, dad LOVED going to our soccer games and cross country/track meets.
so naturally, he loved being at my marathon. he loves the thrill of it all. i think it's because he used to race dirt bikes back in the day, pre-kids. but, mostly he loves it because he loves us girls so much. and he's the best dad.

i love it when my family comes to visit, especially my parents.

4 girls?! yes, that's right. 4 girls. 0 boys. and bucky. he loves it. and we loooooove him.

he may not play the piano, but he can sure pretend. [see photo below. taken in mom's glory from her recital.]
but who needs the piano when you have a million other tricks up your sleeve and you are totally cool? [i just find this picture in one of my albums on the desktop. it makes me laugh.]

don't let the gray fool you. this man is young, hip, cool, fun, and fabulous. well, actually he's not too young. more than half a century! shh, i won't tell your real age paparupa.

i could say a million things about him here and now.
but i'd rather tell him myself.
we'll just let the blog say,
"happy father's day!"

what do you know about your Heavenly Father?
check this out.

16 June 2010

jumping. for joy.

this pretty much sums up my feelings right now.
assignments? done.
finals? done.
studying? well, didn't do much of that in the first place.

done with the fastest, most credit hour-ed semester of my life. insanity? done. ha, yeah right.

tomorrow is thursday fun day. and game 7 of the nba finals. go lakers.

peace and love to all. i'm going to get my hair cut.

15 June 2010


oh please. don't be serious!

ok, fine. i will.

saturday my muscles were fatigued. go figure. i was able to go up and down stairs and sit, but with difficulty.

sunday i rolled myself out of bed. i could walk. i was sore. mostly just my quads. my core--abs and back-- felt it too.

stairs and sitting were definitely more difficult sunday.

by sunday night, i was going up stairs like nobody's business. and sitting and downstairs was just like any other sore quad day.

and i went on a bike ride yesterday. felt good.

and i ran 4 miles this morning. felt reallly good. even though my quads [especially mr. left] are still a little tender.

i feel fabulous.

i loved every minute of it. i want to do another one. i don't think i can wait a whole year. any sponsors? please, let me know.

also, i got my final time results: yay! adrenaline did me some good!

13 June 2010

the sunday morning post, 30th ed.

actually, a special 26.2 edition


i know you're dying to hear the details, how it all went down.

we'll start with friday.
we [mom, dad, em] picked up my marathon packet at the finish line.
i pretty much thought i was going to throw up all day friday because i was so anxious. and i had absolutely no appetite, but i forced enough food down my throat so i wouldn't pass out on the course.
after we picked up my packet, my dad suggested we drive the course up the canyon, so we did. all 26.2 miles to the starting line.
it was gorgeous. all of the trees and the mountains are all green and lush. i love provo canyon.

and my dad gave me a Priesthood blessing. and i know that that blessing, as with all Priesthood blessings, came from the Lord. and my anxiety subsided [a little bit for a little bit].

friday at 7pm i went to bed. crazy, i know. it's a miracle if i can get myself in bed before midnight. i fell asleep around 8 but woke up to a few "GL [good luck]" texts. one featuring the above photo from dana and sara. T girs.
next thing i knew it was 2.50 am: first alarm. snooze. 2.55: alarm 2. snooze. 3am: get up!

i shoveled down some oatmeal with yogurt and peanut butter. yum! but it wasn't really yum then because really i just thought i was going to throw up. but not eating would have meant my limp body on the side of provo canyon next to some poor deer.

i taped up my shin nice and good with my neon green KT tape [miracle stuff. seriously.]
and i took 4 advil.
i absolutely hate taking advil, or any man made drugs for that matter. but the past month it's been 2 advil before any run longer than 6 miles. and then it went down to 2 advil before every run the last 2 weeks. and 3 on friday. and 4 yesterday. the stuff does work--i just hate taking it. and i could go on with all of my reasons, but we'll save that for another day.
and i prayed that my shin would be nice.
and i prayed that i would be safe and that cars would not hit me or the other runners.
and i prayed for other things.

my sweet parents picked me up at 3.30 and took me to the finish line where i got on the bus and made a friend with a 14 marathoner man from oaxaca, mexico, well, he has been in salt lake for 16 years. he gave me some good pointers.

when i got off the bus i hit the port-a-potties and stood around. it was pretty chilly. then i got in line for the port-a-potty again with what seemed like all 1,800 marathoners.
i made another friend in line. this was her 9th marathon and she's done triathlons--even an iron man! [that's a 2 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run. all in one day. like 14-16 hours!]

next thing i knew it was 5.30am and i was waiting at the starting line. rain. rain, rain, not drizzle rain. bring it. there's nothing i love more than running my first marathon alone, in the rain, pre-sunrise. then finally the starting gun went off for the wheelchair-ers. and then a few minutes later, the starting gun went off. and all the fast, serious, intense marathoners at the front took off. and the rest of us just mosied on up to the front until we were about to the cross the mat that starts your time chip. and then i was running. 5.48 am.
and it rained. and mile 3 i turned on the ipod. and i had to pee. but there's only one port-a-potty at each mile marker. and i didn't want to wait behind 2 or 3 people. so i just kept going.

sometime between miles 11 and 13 the rain turned to a drizzle and eventually stopped.
thank you!
i could finally put my left headphone back in my hear because it was not staying in with all the wetness.

at mile 13.1, where the half-marathoners started, i took a quick one minute potty break. i was so fast and back on the road again.

and i ran. and ran. and ran.

and mile 14 i decided to pick up my pace slightly.
and then again when i got out of the canyon at like mile 18.
and then it was flat all of the way down university ave for the last 8.2 miles or whatever it was.

i had originally had a 4 hours 15 minutes time goal. then shin splints and nerves caused me to make it before 4 hours 30 minutes (oprah time--that's how long it took her.) then people told me that for my first marathon, throw my time goal out the window and just enjoy and finish it. so i did.

but secretly i still wanted to finish in 4 hrs 15 mins.

and then at mile 24, i picked up the pace even more. i was feeling great. tired? yes. feeling it? definite yes. pumped? yes.

i got a kick at mile 25 and picked it up again. i booked it up the last little hill and got another kick running the last .3 miles through the crowds to the finish line--just like in cross country days [except those were 5ks, {3 miles} and my kicks were sprints as opposed to this fast run kick]

and then i crossed the finish line!
and em took this picture right after i did. see the blue mats?
i found my family. and friends [those that weren't working]!
i walked through the finish line tents and stuff and got some water and a banana. other people were getting pizza and ice cream bars, but i can't even eat those on regular days so i stuck with the bananas.

i went back over to my little fan club. they had signs for me! and katie got me flowers! she knows me too well.

just so you know, these pictures are not too fabulous. i had woken up at 3am and run 26.2 miles--half in the rain. and it was hard for me to smile. so please, don't judge.

cute mama!
kokoro! my old roommates came!!
love them.
and my family!
love, love, love.
and erin called me right after.
love the signs. thanks!
ok this picture REALLy shows me trying to smile.
oh, and saturday my family + katie and i went to CPK for dinner. and we went to gap after. and the three of us kendrick girls bought the same T-shirt. 25% off.

have a fabulous sabbath.
i have to leave for church in 15 minutes and need to finish my hair and get dressed. whoops!

12 June 2010

i did it.

i finished.
details tomorrow:
the sunday morning post: marathon mania.
from miles 1 - 26.2.

(also, as always, please excuse the quality [phone] and the hair [i just rain 26.2 miles, half in the rain] and don't ask how i got into that lunge.)

11 June 2010


MARATHON IN less than 1 day
{14 hours, to be exact}

ok, no worries.

i woke up feeling sick today.
sick like no appetite sick, not like "i'm sick," because i don't get sick.
no appetite i'm freaking out and excited.
in 12 hours i will be putting on my running gear and getting ready to leave.
and then in 14 hours, i will be starting a marathon.
this is insane.
i really just can't believe it.
i am so excited.
that's one life goal i can check off the list!

if you pray for my shin, i will love you.
and if you pray that it doesn't rain/snow. hallelujah, i will love you more.
because there are supposed to be thunderstorms tonight.
and rain tomorrow.
and the starting line is way way up the canyon where it will be a projected 44 degrees + rain. which means that could get slushy.

best part:
FAM is here! well, mom, dad, and em.
i love them.
and they are currently napping on my couches.
and despite my 4.5 hours of sleep last night, i can't take a nap. because i am going to bed in approximately 3.5 hours. because i have to wake up at 3am!

erin: GL with the rica.
dana: GL with finals and why didn't you come--you don't need to worry about finals in high school. you should have just missed them.
and sara f: GL with the pier swim. i would never.
and sara s: GL with finals, too.

and myself: don't die. GL with that.

10 June 2010

hurry fast

whenever a little kid would ask to use the restroom, my mentor teacher would say, "okay, hurry fast!" and in 2nd grade, they actually do.

a brief synopsis of my week:
monday: left my math test and other important papers at home. which meant i needed to print off 8 more of the same thing i wasted ink and paper on at home. luckily, math test wasn't due til thursday. [that's one thing i was ahead of the game on.]

tuesday: cell phone went m.i.a. after looking for it for an hour i finally found it in the car in this bucket that is under the passenger seat. it fell in there when my bag slid off the seat. and everything else fell on the floor. hmm, i'm thinking that i was just supposed to not have my cell phone for 4 hours. and i had to email my mom to have her call it 6 times for me.

wednesday: oh, don't worry. this is when i REALLY had lost it. i deleted my group's math project that was saved to my usb. it was actually quite a blessing. we ended up getting 90% of it done in 45 minutes compared to the 4 things we had on it previously after 4 days.

wednesday night / thursday morning: umm, marathon nightmare. somewhat nightmare.

thursday: better. and emily, dad, and mom are going to be here in about 25 minutes!! i need to go make dinner for them so it will be ready!
and today i got my room key for my classroom! and 1 of 2 full 3 inch binders with loads and loads of teaching ideas and activities and all sorts of good stuff!

i'm so excited and so anxious and only a tad bit nervous.
this is a life dream. or goal. more like a goal. and it is going to happen soon. and i am SO pumped.

[cielle] {for you erin}