4 days.

i'm compiling a list of things i want to do on holiday
1. blast the music and take a nice long {night} drive down pch to laguna beach. and walk along the boardwalk. and take off my little flats so my toes can squish in the sand.
2. do some decoupage {mod podging} i've been wanting to do here {but don't have the funds to buy some of the things i may need. that's where mom's supplies come in. and then my sisters can do it with me}
3. color me mine.
we'll see what the bank says about that one. {this is a list of things i want to do}
4. watch planes take off.
although, i'll probably just do that by myself waiting at the airport.
things i will be doing on holiday.
1. family time.
lots and lots of family fun.
2. watch movies.
especially on christmas day.
{on our new television set/sound system--it's about time!}
3. take bucky for some jogs
if he can even do that, little tubby.
5. body combat.
6. body pump.
7. bike rides.
8. cook.
9. and bake.
10. see little luke. and cousins.
11. sleep in. kinda.
12. work.
boo. but a it's a good thing. a really good thing.
13. newport beach temple.
14. new years eve breakfast at mimi's with the sisters and little miss sara.
{sara foster--you can come too. you've almost made it to sara spirk status.}
14. reading old & new conference talks.
15. paaaaaarty.
new years eve 09.
heidi. come home soon. glad i have almost achieved sara spirk status with you girls.