the photo story
once upon a time i moved into this new place.
with katie.
and we've been decorating.
she's been sewing cute pillow cases.
and i mean cute!
and we've decorated our rooms.
and it's been great.
but one thing that we hadn't done is our balcony.
one word:

that really should read "pooping on katie & heidi's balcony so it is completely covered and taking it over"
because that's what happened.
darn pigeons!
at first we thought they had eggs in their little corner nest.
then after a few days, we saw that they didn't. and our landlady said they have been there since they were babies--brother and sister.
no longer fun.
so katie tried to shoot at them with her air soft gun. and hit them each like 3 times. and they didn't even fly away. we just wanted to scare them. not kill them. but we didn't succeed with either!
finally they decided to fly away or something because they had been m.i.a. katie took advantage of that.
bless her heart.
she swept up all that nasty pigeon poop [that was covering the balcony] and cleaned it off .and she bought cute paper lanterns at the dollar store.
just like the ones in my room. and she hung 'em up.
and then i said, "all we need is a cute little circle side table thing so we can sit out here and eat sunday dinner and read and talk.
so today, we went to d.i. it's like the mormon goodwill.
and we were going to get candles. and we decided to walk through the furniture section.
and then we saw it.
and we looked at each other and without saying a word walked straight for it.
so we carried it all through the store with us.
and now we have a cute little table. and the balcony is complete.
ok we don't have chairs yet.
but it's a start.
cute, eh?

oh the treasures you will find at d.i.
actually, other than a service project i did, that was the first time i had been/purchased something from d.i. way to go, d.i.

and then we bought candles and a plate [all for $8!] and katie made this cute little ensemble table decoration.
please ignore the men's legs.
also, notice the cute pillow case to be. yeah, katie's amazing.
that'll be #4 then i'll put some pictures up--they are all so cute!

the end.
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