[yes, i did pretty much steal these from facebook. most of my pictures are on my external hd. plus, we live too far away from each other and i don't even have any of your pictures!]
happy bday to my little [big] sister
you're 20 now, you know?

em's favorite spot to go is the hill by the newport beach temple.
[hmm, i still have never been on that hill. make it happen, cap'n. i'll be home in the fall.]

she's a total HAM when the camera's around.
especially when dana's the photographer.

but she does take some pretty good pictures!
{america's next top model. mormon style. hmm, please don't.}

heeeeeey. remember how the lakers one the past two nba campionships?
yeaaaah. she's a fan!

cafe rio is a total utah place.
and em hated it the first time.
then she got something different and loved it.
and then they put one fairly close to home in ca.
and she's OBSESSED.
i feel like every time i talk to her she is going or just went.
once a week?
hence the cafe rio gift card for the bday.

but she also loves her marinara pasta. from anywhere.
especially from stonefire.
and she came for my marathon!
and then my mom, em, and i bought matching shirts at gap.
{i think i'll wear that today.}
i love her.
i miss her.
she's moving here in like 6 months.
i'm excited.
i miss her.
and i love her.
happy bday!
hope it's a good one!
Thanks Heidi!! You made me get teary-eyed. I wish you were here. But next year...you and I can celebrate because I probably won't be going home in the summer...unless you go home. But, I am very excited to move...its coming up fast. Thanks again! I love you <3