play by play of my fabulous week.
well, not so much a play by play.
more like highlights
tuesday i made an impromptu stop at temple square and was able to sit and think and pray and reflect and talk to my sister missionary friend erin and i met at general conference. it was much needed.
i had new teacher induction this week. i got so many ideas! and i feel like this will all be possible! and i got soooo pumped!! can you believe i will be teaching 2nd grade in less than a month!?!?
katie painted our apartment! i didn't even help since i was gone from 8am-8pm tuesday and thursday and wednesday we went to the temple. it's lighter than we thought and now we need to paint our brick red wall in the kitchen a chocolate brown. the color we picked out matched everything, was a little darker, and very classy. alas, our landlady did this picking and it's lighter and doesn't match the red. don't worry, it only took her a month and a half to pick that color. breathe: in, out. it's not we wanted, but it looks really good, and we like it. and we'll love it when that wall is chocolate brown. pictures soon.
the provo temple is open again! it was closed for a month and unfortunately i only made it to the mt. timpanogos temple once during that time. back to weekly visits. i am so blessed to have a temple 2 minutes away that i can go to as early as 5.30 am and as late as 10pm.
so katie and i went wednesday night. much needed. much enjoyed. always so good.
golden spoon is now open in orem, utah. hallelujah!!
i announced to the store that it was the best day of my life. that may be a little dramatic, but i was so happy
and here's proof:

please just ignore my crazy bangs, i'm-trying-so-hard-not-to-laugh-and-people-are-looking-at-me-like-i'm-crazy-taking-a-picture-of-me-eating-ice-cream face, and my huge thing of gs--it's been a year since i've had it!
and i worked so hard on classroom things on saturday. ran some classroom errands. and decided to make pizza for katie and i. YUM! [except, no one has whole wheat pizza dough here. boooo. so i had to use the white. buuut. when i go home in 8 days, i am going to purchase a bunch of trader joes whole wheat pizza crusts. or i'll probably just make my own next time with my mom's home ground whole wheat flour. you go momma.]
i love sundays.
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