ok so today was a little bit crazy.
read it all. you won't regret it.
started off with my queen of the days mom standing at the door. so i went over to see what she wanted to talk about and saw her holding a leash. and on the other was this huge yellow lab.
"she wanted me to bring in the dog for her queen of the day."
(this is not on the list of acceptable items. we only allow 2 photographs and a few trinkets (stuffed animal, soccer jersey, favorite book, and other non-living items), what makes a dog okay?)
[inside my head, my thoughts]
oh brother. a dog? how did you sneak that in? especially right when the bell was ringing and all the little children were scattering to their classroom like little mice that had just seen a cat. and um, hello. you can't just bring a dog into class. phone call? email? and really, what were you thinking?
so then i unwillingly said, "boys and girls, queen-of-the-day's mom brought in her dog. please quietly say hello then keep working on your brain book."
and i sat down at the back table and checked their homework folders (which i forgot to send home today! whoops!).
"uh, miss kendrick....i'm, i'm. [terrified look on face and tears burst out] i don't like dogs!!"
"okay, sit right here with me. it'll be just fine. i have a big dog like that and i did when i was a baby and your age too. it'll be okay. do you want to go to the bathroom?"
"what if he's not gone! how will i know!" [still crying]
"okay just sit here with me it's okay."
alright, enough of that story. everyone lived, no one got hurt.
do you know who luna lovegood is, from harry potter?

well, she goes to my school. except her hair and eye color are totally different and she has thick glasses that magnify her eyes. total cutie! [pretend i said that like a peppy cheerleader.]
she wandered into my class for rotations today 5 minutes late and in the middle of me talking started apologizing. "that's okay, sit down."
"where should i put my folder?"
"just set it on the back table and come sit down."
"on the back table? WOOOOOOW you have a turtle!?!"
the rest of the students and i are sitting in a circle at the carpet and yet she continues this turtle rant and whatever else. it was hilarious. and just like luna lovegood seems to be staring off into space in her own little world--that's the girl. so cute though.
obama gave a back to school speech to all elementary, middle, and high school students.
our school watched it via internet in the gym.
the kids were not having it.
obama spent like 5 minutes introducing mayors and senators and people that were there. not really relevant to the nation as a whole or the little 2nd graders (or 3rd, 4th, or 5th graders for that matter).
and then he said, "and then, i'm here." and i said "my president is black, my lambo's blue." [it's a rap song. i'm not racist. i repeat. i am not racist. i'll take a black man any day.] and then i remembered, "hey, you don't have a lambo. or that bmw x5 you want." someday.
i digress.
so the kids weren't having it. sitting in criss-cross applesauce with their heads falling to the floor in front of them, wiggling and squirming. it got to the point were i stopped caring, especially when i noticed 600 students doing the same thing. it wasn't just my class.
the rest of the day went pretty well, relatively speaking. except for that atrocious stench.
my little student just doesn't get the "i have to pee" sensation. and apparently the sensation for the other side, too.
i thought it was just smelly kids after recess.
no, no it wasn't.
"k go back to your desks and play the game!"
"girl, come here real quick."
(so we step into the hall)
"did you go to the bathroom in your pants again?"
"ummmmm, yeah?"
"did you go poop?"
"did you bring in a change of clothes yet?"
"oh no, i forgot them."
"k you need to do that tomorrow. go call your mom."
and she did and came back 5 minutes later and went home.
sorry, but bring some clothes! i do have a heart and some sympathy, but you're in 2nd grade and you can't stay here like that.
then we took james danger out for TURTLE TIME.
and we let him run around in our circle on the grass.
then we went in and i read james and the giant peach while the kiddos ate cupcakes that birthday boy brought. i really hope birthday girl doesn't bring anything tomorrow. yesterday queen of the day brought tootsie pops. TOO MUCH! I HATE JUNK FOOD! well, i don't eat any of it. but the little tykes don't need it! and plus, it's health and safety week! food alternative rewards--thank goodness for james danger. they will take turtle time over treats any day.
ok so then i came home, pumped it up at the gym. like hardcore. intervals. lifting. I LOVED IT. and i'm tired! but i live for it.
i went to institute with katie and tedi. {tedi drove us in her x5, and i love her for it. and because she's so cool and fun. new friend!}
then i need to add oil to my car before i change it on saturday.
my car was going to blow up. not really but it very well could have soon.
thank you dad--you are amazing. he reminded me for about 3 weeks then FINALLY my mom and dad flipped last night and said ASAP! so i did!!
so katie and i were going to add it, and i just wanted to make sure i was doing it right so katie was with me. Well, she only knows how to check it so we decided, hmmmm....let's get our little male friends to help. and we knocked and then we opened the door and 2 of them were sitting with their shirts off--they had just gotten back from the gym. and i was being so funny and said "oh my gosh! put your shirts on! i'm closing the door! i can't look!"
but really i just opened it and we walked in. and then they had a pull up bar and i said, "yeah! p90x? i think i can do one!"
so i jumped up. and did one and was like yeah! and jumped down.
wait. i was wearing THAT SKIRT.
uh yeah, it totally flew up! and so i was like OH MY GOSH! i am so sorry. so so so sorry! i need to leave! and i ran out the door and katie and tedi were laughing and then i was like i am so sorry!
it was kind of weird because i didn't feel that "hide in a corner NOW" embarrassing feeling. i just felt bad that i had just flashed my panties!
and then one of them came out and helped me put some oil in.
[i don't want to give details about my panties, but i will say this: katie said it just looked like i had little spandex booty shorts on underneath. so we're in the clear. and then we saw our friend moose and katie told him and he was like, "so what. you wear a bathing suit." okay, duh. but still, those are my PANTIES! so embarrassing! but hey, we're best friends now!]
and THAT, my friends, was my day.
Were you wearing the panties that you left in the bathroom?