30 September 2009


sometimes it's wishful wednesday.
sometimes it's flashback friday.
and sometimes i just do whatever i want.
today: flashback wednesday.

but first: yesterday was the last day i will be wearing shorts
probably until the spring. except for my nike's.
it was also 85 yesterday. and pretty nasty out.
today? oh you know, 45, rain,
snow in the mountains. how does the weather
change THAT much in less than one day?

The Treadmill

Once upon a time, about 2 years ago, Erin and I had this fabulous plan to go to the gym at 6.15 am on Tuesday mornings. 6 am the alarm would ring, I would roll out of bed, throw on some clothes, brush my teeth and the two of us would be out the door. I was usually still half asleep, and sometimes (back in the day when 6 hours of sleep was not standard or good) if I did not get enough sleep the night before, my vision was not what you would call accurate.

If my memory serves me right, then it was the first day of our new Tuesday morning routine that this story unfolds. Erin and I got on treadmills next to each other. She started hers out, going pretty slow because it was still warming up. The tv did not work on mine so I could not watch the morning news. I decided to switch treads. Often times I will just step on the unoccupied treadmill next to me. Ha. I stepped on Erin's treadmill, not the motionless side but the belt.

The rest was a blur. Step-slip-back-butt-ground. What?
Did that really just happen?
Did I really just fall off a treadmill?
Did Erin really not notice until some kind lady came rushing over?

Yes it did.

Alas, fear not. She was the only person behind the treads who could have possibly seen. There were no workers that saw. I think I had a bruise.

Lessons learned: Don't ever do that again.
Also, make sure you are awake and coherent before going to the gym.

The End.

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