k, well not really "mmm chocolate."
[not really my love. but for some reason elementary teachers are obsessed with chocolate. i've received 2 chocolate bars {like BIG chocolate bars} this week from my cfa [that's byu el ed terms for "the lady that comes and observes me and tells me all of the things i am doing good and some things i need to work on". love her.]. and they just want to give you chocolate all the time. i think i got like 6 chocolate bars last semester. and 2 + who knows how many more to come. not to mention, it's teacher appreciation week (which i am loving: um, who doesn't like free lunch and/or breakfast everyday? or a sweet shoppe in the faculty room {even though i didn't partake of any of it, it was still super cute}? or a cute lunch box? or any of the other goodies? not to mention the gifts from the students {which will come next year when i'm actually the teacher, but the notes are fun}. ok enough of this teacher business. pretty much it's the best. the pay? um no, definitely not the best. but the students are to die for. k, really done this time]
the real reason for "mmm chocolate."
this little guy...
yeah, mmm chocolate.

the other day on my run, this man was selling some puppies on the grass on the side of the road. and it was a red light, a long one. so i walked over to take a look. 7.5 week old chessie lab retriever mixes. basically looked like a baby bucky with chocolate fur. SO cute. i just about died. and i said, "i'm not really in the market for a puppy but i had to take a look!" to which he said, "that's alright! it's good to just play around with them and hold them." and i said, "oh yes, i miss my dog. especially when he looked like this [nearly 9.5 years ago!]."
other life updates:
i'm in denial.
denial with how many lesson plans i need to do.
+ assignments.
luckily most are "kill-two-birds-with-one-stone" assignments that i will just need to reflect on afterward.
and i love reflections: what did i do? how did it go? what went well? what can i improve? praise/polish?
can't really put a grade on that, now can you?
because i am in denial, i am procrastinating. and i didn't run yesterday because i was at school/class until nearly 6.30pm. and had so much to do. and was exhausted. and today i didn't run because, well, i just want to go to bed early {like 10 is my goal} tonight and i didn't want to change and go out and get sweaty. and it's a recovery week and i thought just saturday's long run was a recovery but it's not, it's the whole week and i ran 11 on tuesday instead of 6 so i think i made up for it, don't you? [don't answer that.] and i really need to go to the grocery store so i can have food to eat [i'm out of eggs and yogurt. which means, no breakfast!].
furthermore...because i am in denial, i am extremely chatty.
i talked to erin for a little bit.
then my mom [needed to make up for 3 days of chats].
then erin is going to call me back with a decision.
then i need to call my landlady.
and i just keep writing.
so now i will stop.
but let's be honest. if any of you [whoever you are, wherever you are. you know, i'd really like to know who you are. if you are there. because, i think if you read this and know me, i should maybe know you. so please, introduce yourself.] ahem, as i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted by my own thoughts, if any of you even made it this far, then kudos to you! you're a gem. a diamond in the rough. [speaking of diamonds in the rough: my school is doing an aladdin play next week. i'm so excited.]
[that's short for peace & love. i abbreviate most everything. gn= good night. gl= good luck. and many more.]
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