*ad: looking for a place to live? in Huntington Beach? 2 miles from the beach? check this out. Erin and Sara are moving [closer to the beach--downtown, yessss!]*
the week wrap-up
my best friend came to town for the weekend.
we didn't take any pictures. what a shame.
so here's one of us from 2008 at an Angel's game--me wearing g.ma's hat {she's pretty obsessed with the A's, another reason to love her.}
last weekend was one of my two favorite weekend's of the year.
General Conference!
and erin and i got to go!
i snaked us some tickets outside the conference center sunday morning.
it's always SO good to be there.
click to watch it.
i'll be watching it again this week--a little everyday.
and downloading it to the podski to listen to in the car [my favorite]
can't get enough.
words from living Apostles and Prophets,
like President Thomas S. Monson [below]
I know he is the Lord's Prophet on the Earth today. The word of the Lord is revealed to us through him, which is why we love General Conference so much.

General Conference
was on Easter.
made both all the better.
and we had a lovely Easter dinner.
and we had some Easter festivities, aka an Egg-stravaganza.
and we dyed eggs
and made rice krispy treat eggs.
and then we balanced Easter eggs.
quite the feat.

Dana took these amazing pictures
at Aunt Julie's house where the fam + Sara went for dinner.
and to celebrate g.ma's bday.
remember the gift we got her?

and they had an Easter egg hunt.

i found these on j.crew sale the other day.
but they are out of my price range.
by a lot.
well actually, everything is out of my price range.
one more year, right momma!?
but, as usually, donations are always accepted.

this was a super busy week.
last day of classes is tomorrow! then finals start friday!
anyway, i wasn't able to make it to the temple until friday evening.
and i walked out to this.
{from my phone}

lyndi and i stopped by Honk's {$1 store)
friday night for some work gloves
and we just decided to go up and down every isle.
and i got these cool popsicle things.
and lyndi got a squirt gun.

President Ward has been at the MTC in Provo lately and is leaving Wednesday for Panama to be a mission president there.
this man [and his nephew] is high adventure.
so 6.30 am Saturday morning we rolled out of bed and met him at Rock Canyon for a hike.
and he led us to this SUPER STEEP mountain. covered in rocks.
and we hiked up it. and with each step we would slip down a little.
and then we "skied" / slid down.
it was SO fun.
will be doing it again soon.
and the view was SO beautiful.
utah is a BEAUTIFUL place.
sometimes i can't handle how beautiful it is.
all of God's creations.
it was the best.
then we went to our stake service project at 8.30am.
it was so fun. i absolutely love service projects.
our group was cutting sticks in a ditch and cleaning out the trash.
and we carried all of the sticks out.
and here's lyndi with one of many loads of sticks.

and saturday night, dana, corrie, lyndi and i went to rock canyon park [which is pretty much a big bowl] and dana played her guitar and we sang and we lied on our backs and looked at the stars and chatted and it was perfect.
and lyndi brought her squirt gun [enough said about that].
and i didn't feel like walking down the hill so i just rolled down on the grass.
it was so fun.
and the weather was PERFECT yesterday--65! and it will be today (supposed to be like 70!)
and it was sunny. and it's just SPRING time!
and everyone is out running and going for bike rides and walks.
{and my long run was so enjoyable yesterday for that reason.}
and playing outside at night and having fun and i loooooove the spring time!
it's nice having seasons here in utah.
unlike ca. {but then again, there's no beach here. oh how i miss it.}
[man i can talk a lot. or write, i guess. both. i just have so much to say. it's nice to get some of it out.]
have a fabulous Sabbath, my favorite day of the week.
and a fabulous week.
i slid down a mountain with president ward too!! it was SO much fun! he's a crazy guy.