{per usual, please ignore the poor quality of this photo. phone.}
8-11. class.
11-11.45. pack; send katie off with 2 oranges and a banana for her drive to the river.
11.45. gurus with missy.
12.45. en route: airport.
1.30. wait at airport.
3.06. depart.
delay for take off.
in flight. interesting conversations with guy next to me.
4.25. land {26 minutes late}
4.40. em picks me up.
4.50. arrive at csulb.
[dana's new nikon. loooove. p.i.t. {professional in training. i love making up acronyms and abbreviating words.}]
5. processional: erin sees me.
erin cries.
erin graduates.
7.30. cheesecake factory.
family, aunts, and g.ma.
late dinner. hate that.
but so hungry.
may or may not have had some cheesecake.
thanks g.ma.
10.30. arrive at erin's new[er] pad.
1/10 mile from the beach.
[see photo above]
6.45. my body: "wake up!"
7.45. run on beach to gym.
8.45. bp {body pump. missed you. not the same alone in my room with the 10 lb-ers.}
9.45. run home.
10.35. breakfast.
11.35. doing this.
12. beach.
and more beach.
later. fam and fun.
love it.
erin was so surprised.
15 days until marathon mania.
wooooo hooo!
Yay for being home!!! I'll be joining you in t minus 4 hours! :)