i still haven't mastered the art of eating with chopsticks.
not sure i ever will.
i only use them when i go to benihana (which is like once a year, maybe), gurus, and when my fam gets chinese take out (but i don't live at home anymore and come to think of it, the picker upper never picks up chopsticks. hmm.)
anyway, i am lacking in the chopstick area.
that is beside the point.
the point is:
the other day when corrie and i had taken jennie to gurus,
i said, "ha, there's a misspelled word on these chopstick instructions."
to which corrie replied, "there's a misspelled word on EVERY chopstick wrapper ever made. always." (or something to that effect.)
it was funny. and i laughed.
and i flipped the wrapper to the front. and found that interesting spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar mess.
my favorite part?
"...Chinese glonous history. and cultural"
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