things have been quite the crazy here.
{this is my's new favorite photograph. how cute is that?}

i didn't have school yesterday [which was fabulous].
so i spent the day i wanted to:
woke up early, went to the temple.
went to my meeting.
went on a run.
went to gurus {my favorite provo eatery}
with corrie and our new fabulous british friend jennie
who has been staying with us the past week. so sometimes i slip into a british accent. and think in a british accent. or i start saying things like "oh that's brill (or) mint"
and things like "oh he's a dish / dishy"
(but that i learned from miss erin. whom i miss terribly. and whom has a little baby girl i am dying to see. erin kendrick--please, let's save our money and go.)
oh, and did i mention she's a massage therapist and has offered to give us all free one-hour massages?
i think that will go very nicely with my long run today.
on friday's driving tour of provo [for] we were driving down university parkway by byu when we saw 2 deer prance across the road.
it was brill.
{yes, that was with a british accent}.
thursday while running,
2 deer pranced across the road.
then another 2 deer.
i ran with wide eyes and slowed down to watch them. and one went under a fence and the other couldn't figure it out and was staring at him like "uh, excuse me, bambi? there's a crazy girl running over here and you leave me here!?"

the two pictures above are courtesy of thomas mangelsen.
last weekend while in park city, we stopped into an art gallery with only his work.
pretty amazing. so real looking. all nature.
incredible shots. and i mean incredible.
miss dana emailed me this picture yesterday with this message:
remember when we cut this that one night? and then dad threw the other half under my bed?
yeah still there.
we wanted to leave our window open through the night over summer.
yeah still there.
we wanted to leave our window open through the night over summer.
but since we live in a one-story home, we needed to have some sort of barrier so some crazy wouldn't try and break in.
so we went in the garage and sawed this pole in pieces. i'm sure it would have been quite amusing to watch since it was quite hilarious.

thank you for the picture, dana.
now please, go buy your camera and be a photographer.
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