07 May 2011

sub plans: i hate you.

yesterday was no bueno.  no one likes to be at the school past 3.15 pm on a friday.  well, how about 6 pm? i don't even stay that late any other day of the week.  i take my things home and work on them.

alas, i have 7 days of sub plans to do. 7 days, people.  that's pretty much a teacher's worst nightmare.  if you think about how long it takes me to do 1 day--a good 2 hours, plus preparing and setting things up for the sub, it's like 3 hours at least.  okay, times that by 7.  that is 21 hours.  i've already put in a solid 10 hours on these bad boys.  and call me a bad teacher, but i pretty much worked throughout the half school day yesterday on them. but before you think i'm too bad, they were working independently on their centers, and they did an art project, and they earned their "special activity"/end of testing/seis de mayo chips and salsa and a movie party.  so, it was only like 2.5 hours, really.

on the plus side, i have never been more prepared this far in advanced.  i have the next 2 weeks completely planned--worksheets ran, overheads made, powerpoints made, it's great.  okay, well i still need to do all of my set up and typing up of my lesson plans for my sub, who is one of the best.

but why 7 days? 

oh maybe because i am getting married in 1 week!!!!!!!
but we are leaving on a jet plane in 4 days!!!!
and then we will be in the bahamas for 5 days...nbd.  

and this is the photo that was in our wedding announcement.  thanks to b&l hopper.

so sub plans?

actually, it's steven that is totally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. B&L Hopper?! So happy I got the credit and not mama hopper :)
