so yesterday was my birthday...
here's how the bday went down.
but first...
thank you thank you thank you for all of the birthday wishes. loved each one!
1. i walked down the hall to this.
{thank you alissa and marissa!}
and they wrote on the bathroom mirror.
oh they know me too well.
and they see what i eat...all. of. the. time.
2. i finished my art project
[and presented today. 1 project down, 5 to go all in 3 weeks!]
and i read a little bit.
{phone calls, texts, facebook notices were pouring in all day. all day. thank you.}
3. RUN run RUN!
I may have missed my dance class so i could go for a nice long run. i have got to take advantage of this not-freezing-during-the-day-but-in-the-40s weather
and i may have missed my music class as well.
{and it is SO unlike me to skip class. i just don't do it. but i did it twice yesterday! but for my own sanity i will rationalize: i haven't missed any classes this semester. and it was my bday.}
4. i went to english {definitely could not miss that class}
5. claire and steph picked me up and we went to....
P.F. Chang's!!
and our friend was the waiter so he brought us a strawberry shake/sundae thing to share
the great wall of chocolate
{now, i think you might know that i hate cake. well, i just really don't care for it. but this was not the average cake. and i had 3 too many bites. alas, you know what 'they' say "you can have your cake and eat it too"--i did.}

6. well then we came back to my apartment and...
! ! S U R P R I S E ! !
my sweet roommates threw a party for me. i had NO idea whatsoever. it was so fun! and they know me so well....pumpkin pie!! + homemade whipped cream {oh i love them--they know me too well!} i have been waiting since last Christmas to have another piece of this goodness. i thought i had another week...thank goodness i was wrong!
{sorry no pictures! i was too busy partying! alissa has a few but i haven't got them from her yet.}

[needless to sugar-sensitive stomach was not happy last night...and is still coming to terms with the fact that i had 3 desserts in one night. that's how many i have had the past 3 months of this semester. no bueno! i guess it's a good thing. i have a whole pumpkin pie i have to eat on t-day.]
7. lovely heather dropped by the party and brought me this picture book! i love love love her! she said she got it because i don't like the snow {well, when it makes everything cold and no sunshine and stays for 6 months i don't!} and because we are in children's literature together and share a love of picture books. thank you heather!! i absolutely love it!

8. there was a note on our oven last night that said "out of order: caution spits flames" with a sad face and some flames [something to that effect]
yes, that is right. apparently the oven started making odd groaning noises and alissa and lyndi were staring at it when all of a sudden it started spitting out flames and sparks from the bottom. ummm, what!?
so now our oven is out of order. and corrie informed me last night that the stove doesn't work either! at least we have a microwave and a toaster. maintenance: please come fast!
9. lyndi made this for me.
conclusion: the day was fabulous. the party / dinner and everything meant so much to me: thanks girls!! i love you!!
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