cold. but i still ran--i gotta get it in while the sun still shines and there's no hazardous/death trap ice. although, i really shouldn't because i have projects coming out my ears and, just in case you didn't know, thanksgiving is in a week! which means there are only 3 weeks of class left. and all of my projects are due within those weeks. AH! it's ok, i keep plugging away. except i didn't get much done this weekend. saturday was too depressing for a number of reasons, mainly the snow.
1. "Behold the Condescension of God" is probably the best article I have ever read. click here to read it. i found it about six months ago and decided to read it again. I can't even describe how good it is--so good, so powerful. Elder McConkie did it again {in 1969. it was in the new era [which is kind of crazy--this is pretty deep] in 1984 but was a BYU devotional in 69...i want to read the whole thing but byu's broadcasting website doesn't have it!! so i emailed them. never fear.} i highly highly highly recommend it.
2. i'm obsessed with this color for my nails. i would like this lovely brand but i choose to go with the 99 cent version, which works wonders. only color i wear on my nails. a little more than clear--gives it a nice, femme shine. {just so you know.}

3. i am working on my artist brief lesson plans for art. my artist: Pablo Picasso. they are going to be pretty amazing. and my {future} students will make something like this. collages!!

4. last i checked, tomorrow's my bday. what?
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