today's sunday morning post comes to you a la outline.
i've been wanting to do a little decoupage / mod podge for quite some time
[alas, school has been getting in the way]
A. recipes: found this on anthro. love it.
(i) i'm going to print out all of the recipes i typed up over summer {and i will do the other 1000 recipes over thanksgiving/christmas..ha, maybe} and put them in a little book
(ii) i will be decoupaging this to look like the anthro one. maybe i will do it with some fabric. depends how i'm feeling {that would require hot glue, not mod podge}

B. furniture / stuff: found this "how to" in a martha stewart living in art looking for pictures for my collage. i ripped out the couple pages and it's been folded in my planner for the past month.
(i) now, i don't really have any furniture i can do this with
(ii) however, i do have cute magazine/file holders and a couple of cute boxes i keep stationery and notes from people in

A. my new favorite: this transpired from my dislike for hot cocoa {i know, weird. but it's just too sweet and it's hot in my belly and so 2 drinks and i feel sick}. i thought of starbuck's steamers {hot milk with a flavor shot} which are good, {but same thing, i can only have a few sips because i don't like the taste of milk. also makes me sick}. so i decided i'd do it with almond milk!
B. recipe: who am i kidding, i don't like using recipes {except for baking--that's chemistry} but this is what i did:
(i). {however much you want} 1.5 cups original unsweetened almond milk
(ii). 1/2 tsp cinnamon
(iii). couple drops stevia {or a scoop if you have the powder kind}
(iv). either heat up the milk on the stove first or microwave 1.5 minutes-ish
(v). soy milk would probably be good too. or if you had flavored almond / soy milk. and if you don't have stevia {none of that grocery store truvia stuff--all natural, straight from the plant.} than use agave nectar, it'd would be so good too.
C. YUM!: it's the new craze. erin made it and loves it. YUM! good for you, super low cal {if you're into that}, no sugar, not too sweet = no tummy aches {on my behalf at least}, it just warms you up!
III. november
A. my favorite month
(i). my bday
(ii). thanksgiving = home, family, and yummy food!
(iii). pumpkin pie {best part of t-day!}
B. time to schedule every second of everyday
(i). problem: when you spend your halloween weekend writing a research paper and still don't finish no matter how many tens of hours you spent on it and don't get any other projects/assignments finished, then you know that (a) you are a lone soul and (b) your life is spinning out of and control and...
(ii.) you need to plan every second of everyday
(iii). 3 weeks of class until thanksgiving; 2 weeks of class after thanksgiving until finals week. 6 major projects and a paper to finish and read 7 more chapter books {+ everything else. i just laugh. i signed up for all of those classes myself! and to think that some people have more than i do!}.
A. CES Fireside: 6pm MST, Marriott Center @ BYU
B. Couldn't come at a more perfect time
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