from Provo, UT
to Huntington Beach, CA
the drive started out like this
{actually i think this was a few hours into the drive. 90% of provo's snow has melted [thank you, mr. sun], maybe even 95%}

then we got a little of this
{that's supposed to be a picture of the 674 cows on the side of the freeway not too far off from Provo}

and then we drove through AZ for about 15 miles or so

and we ate some carrots
and corrie got this crazy one
which is still in my car because she couldn't bear throwing it out
and it was a little too crazy to eat

and this is a note pad my aunt g gave me for christmas
cute, eh?

and there was more stuff in between and after and before and all around but i just drove for 6 hours of it and didn't really get around to taking pictures from my phone.
but now i'm home.
disneyland tomorrow.
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