18 February 2010

remember whens...

should be doing homework but just saw this post from dana.

{most of hers are family / sister "remember whens..." but some are just between em and d.}

a few i would like to add. {and some are just heidi - erin}

remember boob chips?

remember "emily, do you want a ticket?"

remember when we played log ride in the bath?

remember when we took baths together?

remember "whoop! awww." during shower games?

remember recording "mr. sandman" at the rock and roll hall of fame. and it was horrible?

remember bear wood forest?

remember how bear wood forest sold anything and everything from lipstick to cruises?

remember how i really need to be doing homework right now so i can get more than 5 hours of sleep?

as dana said...leave some of your remember when's too.

{like corrie: remember when my windshield wiper wiped a little too far--like off the windshield?}
{and lyndi: remember that one bus trip in munich? [enough said...] and the german boys?}
{and claire / steph: remember when we caught a lizard and named it brainless? {or steph insulted it and then we decided to keep that as his name?} and remember how we hid it in the boys room?}

1 comment:

  1. remember when you and anne had a purse company? and you guys went to cake decorating classes together? hahaha
    and remember when you looked at me and said "heard you a had a birthday, and i said yep, and then you said "well cool happy birthday"and then you walked away and it was awkward. hahaha love your blog!
