[warning: this may be a little long today. although, not really in words.]
we'll start off with some news:
MARATHON in 6 days!
i try to keep my mouth shut about it all but, i'm sorry, i just don't think i will be able to this week.
from the day i started my training, 5 months ago, i've run
nearly 700 miles.
691, to be exact.
will be 717.2 after the marathon.
and some weeks i did like 40 or 50 or even 58.
and now after all those runs. and the many, many hours i put in, i will finally be checking off one of my goals and moving it to my one of my accomplishments/successes.
please pray mr. right shin cooperates this next week. if he wants to be hurt after, then so be it. but please, please mr. shin. i need you to be good until 10am saturday morning.
ok, i'm done.
now, some pictures from days of yore.
cousin steph with baby cousin mike
erin with baby me.
and steph is pregnant with baby #1.

you may think that's bucky, but it's cashmere, our first golden. she was the sweetest dog in the world. she even let my bunny lay next to her. ok is it weird that i just got slightly emotional? i miss her. and i miss bucky. because he is the coolest dog in the world. and it's almost his bday.
and please ignore the bald head + whiteness + sun glare + tilted head = large oblong white blob.

and a christmas eve. must have been '93 because dana's a baby. and dad doesn't have any greys. and i'm wearing my new pj's i got and erin's got on her new robe.

and now, a story per erin's request.
the dang's magic carpet ride
several years ago, in the days of the dang
{an old '87 toyota celica, aka erin's first car, then my first car, and grandma shirley's [above and above pictures] old car}
erin and i were driving through the neighborhood.
one day, in high school, miss lyndi told me about something called a magic carpet ride.
what is a magic carpet ride?
well, you cruise along and have the passenger pull up the seat adjuster bar {the one that moves you back and forth} and then you just slow down and they move forward.
childish fun.
so, i told erin about it and we decided to play.
she was the passenger.
we were going about 5 mph.
and i taped the brakes.
and erin slid forward and
hit her head on the windshield.
i was freaking out.
and apologizing like i had just spilled bleach on someone's fancy blouse [no, i've never done that. but if i had, i'd feel super bad.]
and we looked and beheld...
a huge crack in the windshield.
is your head that hard erin?
well, at least it wasn't her head that cracked.
so then we had to go inside and tell my parents.
"oh, hey. yeah, we were playing magic carpet ride and erin cracked the windshield. and we think she may have a concussion. nbd."
so some advil and $200 later, all was well with both the dang and erin.
the end.
requests for stories or other things are requested.
i will do my best to pop em up that day.
haha so awesome... LOVE the photos (im obviously a little late reading your blog :). When I first saw the picture of us on the chair I thought "hey, that looks like me as a kid!" wow.