11 June 2010


MARATHON IN less than 1 day
{14 hours, to be exact}

ok, no worries.

i woke up feeling sick today.
sick like no appetite sick, not like "i'm sick," because i don't get sick.
no appetite i'm freaking out and excited.
in 12 hours i will be putting on my running gear and getting ready to leave.
and then in 14 hours, i will be starting a marathon.
this is insane.
i really just can't believe it.
i am so excited.
that's one life goal i can check off the list!

if you pray for my shin, i will love you.
and if you pray that it doesn't rain/snow. hallelujah, i will love you more.
because there are supposed to be thunderstorms tonight.
and rain tomorrow.
and the starting line is way way up the canyon where it will be a projected 44 degrees + rain. which means that could get slushy.

best part:
FAM is here! well, mom, dad, and em.
i love them.
and they are currently napping on my couches.
and despite my 4.5 hours of sleep last night, i can't take a nap. because i am going to bed in approximately 3.5 hours. because i have to wake up at 3am!

erin: GL with the rica.
dana: GL with finals and why didn't you come--you don't need to worry about finals in high school. you should have just missed them.
and sara f: GL with the pier swim. i would never.
and sara s: GL with finals, too.

and myself: don't die. GL with that.

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