father's day special.
a happy father's day to all father's: past, present, future.
and an especially happy father's day to my dad,
the world's greatest.
you've seen this before, because i love it. it's so cool. and that's my dad.
mom and dad dated in high school. i think they were broken up for one month.

and now they've been married for 32 years. and another 32 + eternity to come.

growing up, dad LOVED going to our soccer games and cross country/track meets.
so naturally, he loved being at my marathon. he loves the thrill of it all. i think it's because he used to race dirt bikes back in the day, pre-kids. but, mostly he loves it because he loves us girls so much. and he's the best dad.
i love it when my family comes to visit, especially my parents.

4 girls?! yes, that's right. 4 girls. 0 boys. and bucky. he loves it. and we loooooove him.

he may not play the piano, but he can sure pretend. [see photo below. taken in mom's glory from her recital.]
but who needs the piano when you have a million other tricks up your sleeve and you are totally cool? [i just find this picture in one of my albums on the desktop. it makes me laugh.]
don't let the gray fool you. this man is young, hip, cool, fun, and fabulous. well, actually he's not too young. more than half a century! shh, i won't tell your real age paparupa.
i could say a million things about him here and now.
but i'd rather tell him myself.
we'll just let the blog say,
"happy father's day!"
what do you know about your Heavenly Father?
check this out.
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