25 February 2011

lots of things. please read.

in this post you will find:

1) more pictures of the proposal.
2) my kiddos reaction to my engagement.
3) some thoughts i'm having.

here are some pre-proposal pictures steven and i took while flying kites.  sorry, while he were flying and i was trying.

loooooove where i live.
{or where my family lives and i used to live.}

3 minutes pre-proposal.

i started off tuesday morning with some pictures of my weekend.

"just because it was so fun and so beautiful and i was flying kites!"

and then came the picture with steven on his knee.

"i knew it!!"

no, you knew that steven and i were going to get married {thanks tedi for spilling the beans to miranda who gets so overly excited about everything. it was pretty hilarious.  she told everyone in our class during the inside recess. and that was about 3 weeks ago!}

after my announcement, my kids asked me a few questions.  one was, "what is steven's last name?"


"there's a heidi hopper in my book!  see?"
i'm already famous.

so on tuesday, i left the classroom to use the restroom right before cleaning up for lunch.  right before i left, miranda and joey asked to borrow my stapler. so i gave it to them and ran out before wetting my pants. {sometimes you just gotta hold it while you teach. and for some people, that is a potential disaster.}

i walked back into the classroom to, "she's here!"

miranda, amanda, ashleigh, justyn, jacob, and joey presented this book for me.
i found out later that it's my wedding gift. i said, "how about you make a sequel for my wedding and this can be my engagement gift."  {it's just too hilarious to not ask for another one.}

My rabbit

dedicated to Miss Kendrick
My rabbit's name is Hopper
like your last name will be.

My rabbit is my best friend.
My rabbit loves carrots.

My rabbit is beautiful.
I love my rabbit.
{yes, that is a heart with rabbit ears.}

how precious is that?  i will treasure that forever.  it is hilarious.

all day tuesday miranda hugged me and told me she loved me.  she also asked to look at my ring like 6 times!

i got an email with a link to erin and mike's wedding/engagement website
{should steven and i make one?}
and clicked it during recess. mikalei and i looked at it for a minute.  and i said,"that's her fiance, mike."

"can i see what your fantaste (fan-tas-tay) looks like?"


that's the best pronunciation of fiance i've ever heard.

my kids are SO thrilled.  all week during rotations and music and pe and computers, they told the other teachers.  


i have been SO incredibly blessed lately.
everything is working out so wonderfully.

erin and mike are getting married in 43 days!

steven and i are getting married in 78 days!

my mom is coming up in 6 days!

i am really tired.
i would rather wake up at 5 am to go to the gym before school than go after school any day, but sometimes i just get so tired.

i need to pick some chapter books for my kids to read in their reading groups.

my teacher work sample is 93% complete. i only need to assemble everything, which i will do tomorrow. and theeeeen...7.30 am on monday i will turn that sucker in.  and i will be done with it. so, completely done with it.

i'm getting married.
to my love.

i always say this to steven: steven. we're getting married!
and he always says: i know!

we're in love.
so in love.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats! I love how your students are so excited for you. It must make you feel extra special knowing so many little hearts love you so much.
